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时间:2017-05-30 17:38来源:毕业论文

关键词  等厚干涉 牛顿环 劈尖   
Title Development research on the experiment of equal thickness interference
Equal thickness interference experiment is a basic experiment in college physics experiments. When the parallel light with fixed angle irradiated to the uneven thickness film, the optical path difference reflected from the surface of the same thickness film is the same, forming a bright (dark) interference fringe, this interference with same interference fringes corresponding to the same thickness is called equal thickness interference. Because interference fringes can reflect the changes of the thickness of the thin layer placed into two surfaces, so in the process of the precise measurement and optical parts, characteristics of equal thickness fringes, such as shape, number, mobility, space, are usually used to test the surface quality of local error(surface roughness salvation),measure small angle, length and changes. It's very necessary to master the principle of equal thickness interference and the experimental process, based on the principle of equal thickness interference, this paper has conducted experiments of measuring curvature radius, diameter, refractive index, optical wavelength, including the experimental principle, steps, devices, and the analysis of the reasons of the error generated by the experimental results, and then the improvements of the experiment are suggested.
 Keywords  equal thickness interference     Newton rings      wedge
 目  次
1  引言    1
1.1 等厚干涉简介    1
1.2 读数显微镜介绍    4
1.3等厚干涉新技术应用背景    6
1.4 本课题研究内容及意义    7
2  牛顿环法测定透镜球面的曲率半径.7
2.1  原理    7
2.2  步骤    9
2.3  实验数据记录及处理    11
2.4  误差分析及处理    11
3  劈尖干涉法测细丝直径    14
3.1  原理    14
3.2  步骤    14
3.3  数据记录及处理    15
3.4  误差分析及处理    16
4  测折射率    17
4.1牛顿环法测量液体折射率    17
4.2劈尖法测量液体折射率    20
5  等厚干涉测波长    .24
5.1 迈克尔逊干涉仪测波长    24
1 引言
干涉现象是光的波动说的有力证据之一。太阳光照射在肥皂泡或水面上的油膜时,呈现出的彩色条纹,就是光的干涉现象。要产生干涉,两束光必须满足相干条件:频率相同、振动方向相同、相位差恒定。 等厚干涉实验拓展研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_8126.html