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时间:2021-07-31 20:52来源:毕业论文

摘要: 爱迪生的第一盏电灯,由此开启了全世界的白炽灯时代。时至今日,在不少场合,仍有白炽灯的存在。商业照明,一个源于公共的商业场所的出现而诞生的词。随着灯具历史的演变,商业照明的形式也开始了多样化。最终目的就是通过选择合适的光谱,使商品更具有吸引力。商品得到更好的展现,从而吸引观赏者的眼球,刺激消费者的购买欲望。灯光用好了,商品在无形之中做了加法;灯光用坏了,商品在无形之中就做了减法。相同一件商品,通过调制光源的光谱,能够得到截然不同的视觉体验。本文选取了七种最能代表色谱的商品,在同种光谱下进行照射。建立视觉评价实验,模拟暗室,进行试验。对数据进行统计分析,从而研究发现它们的光谱关联度。得出了,通过控制照度的大小,营造出的光环境对同样的物体,有着极其不同的影响。70032

毕业论文关键词: 光谱调制;商业照明;视觉评价实验;LED;光谱

Design and application of spectrum modulation technology in commercial lighting

Abstract: Edison's first light which opened the world's incandescent era. Today in many occasions there are still incandescent lamp. Commercial lighting is a phrase which derived from the appearance of a public place of business. With the evolution of the history of lamps the form of commercial lighting has begun to persify. The ultimate goal is to make the goods more attractive by choosing the right spectrum. Goods to get a better show so as to attract the attention of the viewer to stimulate the consumers’ desire of buying. The light is good the goods in the invisible to do the addition; light with the bad the goods in the invisible to do a subtraction. The same piece of goods by modulating the spectrum of the light source can get a different visual experience. In this paper seven of the most representative of the selected products in the same spectrum of radiation. The establishment of visual evaluation experiments simulation of the dark room to test. Statistical analysis of the data to find out their spectral correlation. It is concluded that by controlling the size of the illumination the light environment created has a very different effect on the same object.

Keywords: Spectral modulation; commercial lighting; Visual evaluation experiment; LED; spectrum


摘要 i

Abstract i

1 绪论 1

1.1 商业照明灯具发展历史 1

1.1.1 计划经济时代 1

1.1.2 改革开放时代 2

1.1.3 20世纪九十年代(1980-1990年) 2

1.1.4 1990-1995年 3

1.1.5 1995-1999年 4

1.1.6 二十一世纪 4

1.2 商业照明的分类 5

1.3 课题研究的目的与意义 6

2 光谱调制实验的设计与建立 7

2.1 LED的主要光色参数 光谱调制技术在商业照明中设计应用:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_79148.html
