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时间:2021-04-24 11:43来源:毕业论文

摘要:半导体温差发电装置是在塞贝克效应的基础上的一种利用半导体热电器件 将热能直接转换成电能的装置。该装置主要有以下特点:结构简单、操作简单、 应用可靠、能量密度大等。它作为一种绿色的能源,优点极其突出,在回收利用 低温差能量转换过程中尤其合适。基于半导体温差发电装置的结构构成,本文主 要介绍了热电转换原理、热源、扇热器件、半导体温差器件、稳压模块及整体结 构的设计及工作过程。并以半导体温差发电片和电加热设备为研究对象,通过理 论研究、实验测试、数据记录等手段,对半导体温差发电装置可持续发电进行分 析,探索提高整体装置热电转换的效率。66252


Design and Research of Semiconductor Thermoelectric Power Generation

ABSTRACT: The semiconductor thermoelectric power generation device is a device which utilizes the semiconductor thermoelectric device to convert the thermal energy directly into the electric energy on the basis of the Seebeck effect. The device has the following characteristics: simple structure, simple operation, reliable application, energy density and so on. It is as a green energy, the advantages are extremely prominent, and in the recycling of low temperature difference energy conversion process is particularly appropriate. Based on the structure of semiconductor thermoelectric power generation device, this paper introduces the design and working process of thermoelectric conversion principle, heat source, fan heat device, semiconductor temperature difference device, regulator module and whole structure. The semiconductor thermoelectric power generation device and the electric heating device are taken as the research object. The sustainable power generation of the semiconductor thermoelectric power generation device is analyzed by means of theoretical research, experimental test and data recording, and the efficiency of thermoelectric conversion of the whole device is explored.

Key words: semiconductor thermoelectric power generation; Seebeck effect; dc-dc; thermoelectric conversion

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 课题的研究背景 1

1.1.2 课题的研究意义 1

1.2 温差发电技术的发展进程 2

1.3 本文主要研究的内容 2

1.4 小结 3

2 基本理论与总体方案设计 3

2.1 温差发电基本效应 3

2.1.1 塞贝克效应 3

2.1.2 珀尔贴效应 5

2.1.3 汤姆逊效应 5

2.1.4 傅里叶效应 6

2.1.5 焦耳效应 6

2.2 温差发电基本概论 7

2.2.1 半导体温差发电的设计与研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_74098.html
