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时间:2021-04-20 23:06来源:毕业论文







毕业论文关键词:季节能效比 空气焓差法 空调器的制冷量 测量方式


Title  The study of seasonal energy efficiency ratio in variable conditions and experimental design              


Seasonal energy efficiency ratio of air conditioning is the key issue for the performance of air conditioning. The condition of test is complicated, we can not test directly. By studying the calculation method of SEER with design ideas and design requirements, a test method of SEER which is based on air enthalpy difference method is provided.

Using room air conditioner, test conditions are controlled to tests cooling capacity in a condition. By calculation method showing in Chinese and U.S.GB, SEER can indirectly be tested when the cooling capacity is used.

The main achievements of this paper:

An indirect test method of SEER of air conditionings is provided.

The parameters of the experimental apparatus can be showed when the air enthalpy method is used; the rationality of the test can be made sure.

Chinese GB with U.S.GB is compared, and the result is provided.

Keywords:  seasonal energy efficiency ratio, air enthalpy difference method, cooling capacity of air conditioning, test method

目   次

1 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 课题主要工作 3

2 空气焓差法试验台设计 4

2.1 试验方法的选择 4

2.2 室内空气焓差法实验原理 5

2.3 具体试验设计 8

2.4 试验过程 14

2.5 能效比EER的得出 15

3 季节能效比研究及试验设计 16

3.1 SEER简介 16

3.2 SEER计算方法 16

3.3 SEER试验设计 19

4 中、美设计对比 22

结  论 24

致  谢 25

参 考 文 献 26

附图1 27

附图2 28

1  引言

1.1  研究背景

社会的发展、科技的进步不断提高着人类的物质文化需求和高质量的生活水平,同时在这样的高新技术下人们的要求也愈来愈高,舒适的生活条件、干净的工作环境已是众望所归。制冷空调产业也就在这样的要求下不断发展。制冷空调技术已完成了一个完整的转型、进步。从原来只作用于生产工艺到利用它改变全球经济的各个领域,比如商场、学校教室、住宿公寓等。这样也就形成了一个大型的产品链,如空调、冰箱、除湿机等,其中最具有代表性的就是制冷空调。论文网 变工况SEER的研究及试验方法设计:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_73745.html
