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时间:2021-04-15 20:54来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In the age of students on campus, there is always a sentence: "people who is good at physics is also good at math." This isn't the truth but there are still some truth.     Why most physicists are mathematicians? Mathematics as a tool subject,it throughouts the physical study and research, it provides concise and precise mathmatical language for physical concept and law’s description.,and it provides an effective method for students' abstract thinking and logical reasoning, a powerful tool for the quantitative analysis and calculation in physics to make a clear request. The ability of students to apply the mathematics tool to solve physical problems in middle school physics "exam outline", require candidates to have the ability of applied mathematics problems in physics. In this paper,through the collection of the data,the data, combined with personal experience, first clear the background, and then introduces the function of mathematical methods in physics, then introduces the mathematical method  involves several middle school physics and the principle of using these methods and how to make students learn to deal with physical problems

with mathematics method.

Keywords: Physics teaching ,Mathematical methods ,Physics of middle school 

目  录

1  引言 4

2  数学方法是研究物理的一种重要工具 4

2.1  推动物理学的产生 4

2.1.1阿基米德——浮力定律和杠杆定律 4

2.1.2牛顿——动量守恒定理的产生 5

2.2  促进物理学的发展 6

3  用数学方法处理物理问题的实例分析 6

3.1初中物理涉及的数学方法 6

3.1.1函数图像 6

3.1.2不等式 7

3.1.3比例关系 7

3.1.4方程或方程组 7

3.2高中物理涉及的数学方法 8

3.2.1几何知识 8

3.2.2 三角函数 8

3.2.3均值不等式 9

3.2.4矢量三角形 10

4  运用数学方法处理物理问题的原则 10

4.1主次分明原则 11

4.2简明性原则 11

4.3科学性原则 物理教学中数学方法的应用:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_73418.html
