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时间:2020-07-20 21:39来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: LED路灯;花生壳透镜

LED Road Lighting Spot Shaping Design

Abstract: This paper simulated LED lights spot shaping design optical design software, LED street light different combinations by adding different lens design, in order to achieve LED lights spot shaping, pick out possible shaping a rectangular beam, and the bat-wing lens structure with light curve, then get Led street light program. Use Tracepro optical design software simulation LED lights with two different light, one in second with light lens and change the way ordinary chips light number combination, the other is designed to change the number of chips and a suitable light source peanuts lens secondary light combinations, the lens and look at the number of light sources on the spot of. The light source and the lens results Solidworks modeling software to import Tracepro software to simulate two practical lighting effects of different secondary light distribution programs and comparative analysis. Analysis of the results shows that the use of peanuts lens optical design of the secondary with LED lights, can be rectangular beam, the light curve approximation bat wing, and then get a rectangular light field lighting required.

Keywords:LED Streetlight;Peanut from lens

目   录

摘要 i

Abstract i

1 引言 1

1.1起源背景 3

1.2国内外研究现状与发展趋势 4

2 研究内容及原理 7

2.1 LED光源模型建立 7

2.2 使用普通透镜并改变芯片光源的数目进行二次配光 9

2.3 使用花生壳透镜并改变芯片光源的数目进行二次配光 15

3 结论 25

4 设计 26

致谢 29

参考文献 31

 1 引言

过去的几年中,用发展节能型的发光二极管(LED)道路照明已经获得了极大的关注。LED灯具还具有提高照明的均匀性和减少眩光的潜能,这将改善眼睛的舒适性和汽车驾驶员的视觉识别能力。传统的道路照明技术,如高压钠灯或汞灯,发射的光在所有方向上,因此光分布是难以控制的。这就是为什么路灯照明设备通常都具有诸如眩光、不均匀的光斑、向上反射光、光污染、和能源浪费的缺陷。在这种情况下,通过把光定向在适当的区域内,LED灯具就具有实现最小功率下提供精确光斑的潜力。由于LED具有尺寸小且定向光发射,非成像光学器件可重构LED的光辐射模式来使其光分布在在需要的地方。图1(b)和1(c)给出了对照图。在图1(b),一方面,近一半的光照在了道路以外,且照度不均匀,道路以外损失的光可能会对司机和行人造成眼部不适。另一方面,对LED进行适当设计,由于不浪费于照到天空或街道的两侧而节能,如图1(c)所示。原则上,适当设计过的LED路灯,可以提供矩形光斑,恰好覆盖路面,且无眩光、无光线渗透、也不会射到空中。源-自/751+文,论`文'网]www.751com.cn Tracepro的LED路灯的光斑整形设计:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_56698.html
