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时间:2020-06-04 22:07来源:毕业论文



The Effective Ways in Fostering The Physics Teachers Professional Skills to Explore

Abstract: Since the new curriculum reform, the social requirement for the teachers more and more high, the teachers' specialization is becoming more and more strong, so also more and more strict to the cultivation of the students. In order to strengthen the professional physics teachers and the understanding of the professional skills, also lay a good foundation for later employment, in this paper to develop physics teachers to explore the effective methods for the professional skills. Much of the content will be pided into two, first with the method of combination of questionnaire and interview to students of physics teachers in the survey the current situation of professional skills, survey to physics teachers' understanding of the professional skills is not ideal, there is basic skills is not strong, lack of teaching skills relative; finally, the survey of the problems of the effectiveness of the method were also put forward.

Key words: Physics teachers; Professional skills; Effective method

目  录

摘要 1

引言 1

1.调查目的意义 2

2.调查对象、方法和内容 2

2.1调查对象 2

2.2调查方法 2

2.3调查内容 3

3.调查现状与分析 3

3.1物理师范生对专业技能的了解程度 3

3.2物理师范生基础技能的掌握情况 4

3.3物理师范生教学技能的熟练情况 7

3.4物理师范生教研技能的掌握情况 9

3.5物理师范生教育技能的掌握情况 9

3.6物理师范生当前的专业技能情况对工作的影响 10

4.调查结果与培养物理师范生专业技能的有效方法探究 11

4.1“先学先知,先知重学”的有效方法 11

4.2基础技能与教学技能相结合的有效方法 11

4.3培养教研技能的有效途径的探究 12

4.4培养教育技能的有效途径的探究 12

5.结束语 13

参考文献 13

附录 15

致谢 17 



培养师范生是培养一名教师的重要措施,那么作为一名师范生应该具有应有的专业素质,师范生的专业素质包括专业知识、专业技能、专业情意。其中的专业技能是本论文探讨的重点。师范生的专业技能又包括基础技能、教学技能、教育技能和教研技能。基础技能包括口语技能、书写技能、信息技能以及沟通技能;教学技能包括教学设计技能、教学操作技能和教学评价技能;教育技能包括思想教育技能和班级管理技能;教研技能包括教学研究技能和教育研究技能[1]。掌握基本的专业技能是师范生成为一名合格教师的基础,同时专业技能也是在以后就业,教学中体现应用最多的一项技能。 培养物理师范生专业技能的的有效方法探究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_53697.html
