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时间:2020-05-09 21:16来源:毕业论文



Causes Chuanhui Qu Zhoukou City Junior High School Physics Students Trapped Analysis And Transformation Strategies

Abstract: "Physics Poor Students" in junior high school stage is widespread and difficult to solve, junior high school stage is the basic stage of learning physics, physics of this phase of the study is to learn the most important. Therefore, we must find the cause behind the cause of physical performance, and to develop appropriate strategies to solve them. Through questionnaires for Zhoukou City Wenchang Middle School two days of physical unsatisfactory results of the students from learning attitude, interest in learning, study habits, teacher-student relationship, survey analysis aspects of family life, come to "Physics poor students" widespread not correct learning attitude and poor study habits. For these reasons, the proposed "Tracking Law" and "Mutual Assistance Act", that teacher performance has been poor student achievement focus on observation and arrange good students to help.

Key Words: Physics; Physics poor students; Tracking method; Mutual assistance act

目    录

摘要 4

引言 4

1.初中物理学困生的成因分析 5

1.1“学困生”的界定 5

1.2初中物理学习困难的调查分析 5

2.物理学困生的成因 11

2.1思想转变问题 11

2.2师生情感交流 11

2.3形成不良的学习习惯 11

2.4自身原因 12

2.5家庭教育 13

2.6教学的因素 13

3.初中物理学困生的转化策略 13

3.1让学生勤奋努力学习,掌握学习方法 13

3.2建立良好的师生感情 13

3.3尊重和理解学生 14

3.4树立学困生的自信心 14

3.5“跟踪法”和“互助法” 14

4.结论 14

参考文献 15

附录 16

附录一:初中物理学习情况调查表 16

附录二:调查问卷数据分析 17

致谢 21


目前,初中教育阶段各个班级普遍存在“物理学困生”。笔者在周口市文昌中学实习期间发现,每个班级总有几个物理成绩一直处于很不理想的状态的学生,他们有的上课不认真听讲,有的课下照抄其他同学作业^源^自#751:文,论:文;网[www.751com.cn,有问题不及时找老师解决。老师普遍喜欢成绩较好的学生,学习不好的部分同学容易自暴自弃,学习态度更加不不端正,继而形成恶性循环。初中阶段是各个学科打基础的阶段,在初中阶段成绩不好,对以后的学习会有很大的影响。究其原因,主要是学生学习态度不端正,学习习惯不好,学习兴趣不足,教学师资有限不能照顾到每一个学生。 初中物理学困生的成因分析及其转化对策+答辩PPT:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_51197.html
