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时间:2020-04-02 20:36来源:毕业论文


High school physics curriculum based on the understanding of the physical nature of the foundation, in order to improve the physical quality of the integrated curriculum for the purpose. Physics is an experimental discipline as the basis of the experimental teaching physical education is a subsystem of the system. The original purpose of the course is high school physics experiment in deepening students 'knowledge and understanding, the students' practical ability. Enhance understanding of experimental inquiry and improve the ability of inquiry. However, the current status of the domestic high school physics experiment is not optimistic, high school curriculum experimental setup program needs to be improved. Based on the domestic and international experimental courses and openness of research and investigation, make relevant

毕业论文关键词:物理课程; 中学; 实验; 开放; 国内; 国外

Keywords: Physics courses; school; experiment; open; China; foreign


摘要 3

Keywords: Physics courses; school; experiment; open; China; foreign 3

1. 国内现状的阐述 6

1.1初中实验课现状的阐述 6

1.1.1阐述科学实验的根本意义目的 6

1.1.2国内实验课现状的阐述: 6

2.1国内实验课现状的调查 7

2.2调查结果分析 7

3.国内外的对比 8

3.1国外实验课程安排的研究 9

3.1.1研究国外实验课的开放程度 9

3.1.2探讨国外实验课为何如此开放的原因以及其效果 9

3.2.国内实验课程安排的调查 10

3.2.1调查国内实验课的开放程度 10

3.2.2国内实验课程死板带来的不良后果 10

3.3实验课开放程度的不同对学生的影响 11

4.提出解决的方案 11

4.1阐述实验开放性的优势以及存在的不足之处 11

4.1.1实验的开放程度增大,会带来哪些好处 11

4.1.2实验开放性增大,存在哪些不良之处 12

4.2我们如何来解决目前存在的问题 12

4.2.1学校应该怎么处理这个问题 12

(1)学校加大投入,完善实验设施 12

(2)开放实验室,增加实验室的利用率 13

4.2.2物理实验老师应该怎么解决这个问题 13

(1)教师应该认真备课,提前做实验 13 中学物理实验现状的调查及其改进方案 :http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_49359.html
