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时间:2020-03-27 09:10来源:毕业论文





The research on ESD characteristics of Tilmicosin and water

Abstract:With the development of domestic and foreign powder technology, various industries powder material is more and more widely used in various national economic sectors. In the process of powder production , transportation and processing, as contact friction and impact of the powder or powder and equipment, containers, powder will bring a lot of static electricity. The essence of dust electrostatic is residual electric charge. Electric charge is all physical in nature about electrostatic phenomenon. voltage, current and other related quantity is a physical quantity caused by movement of the electric charge. Electrostatic discharge can form high potential, strong electric field and instantaneous large current ,so it as the ignition source can release large amounts of energy at the moment, most probably caused by combustible dust ignition or explosion. 

In this paper, the quantitative test of spark sensitivity was carried out by using a typical drug dusts, further study on the physical properties and thermal analysis of veterinary drug powder to study its electrostatic sensitivity. And building simulation process experimental platform, the experimental study on by using the top-down and bottom-up dusting powder and different dusting rates. Finally, the article analyzes the existence of the electrostatic safety hidden trouble of veterinary drug powder.

The results show that the MIE of single Veterinary medicine powder along with the change of mass concentration showed a trend of the change of the conic. In the kind of powder dusting process, the leakage current is larger than the dusting down slightly from the bottom to the leakage current on the powder. Powder injection mixed leakage current is more obvious than many single test. Increasing dusting rate static electricity generated currents will be increased significantly.

Key words: Electrostatic discharge, Veterinary medicine powder, Dust friction, Electric spark sensitivity


第1章 绪论 6

1.1研究背景介绍 6

1.2国内外对于粉尘爆炸事故科研发展现状 9

1.3.粉体静电学国内外科研发展现状 粉液混合过程静电产生特性研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_49013.html
