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时间:2019-09-09 14:22来源:毕业论文

摘要我们都知道大学物理这门课是工科专业大学生必须学习的基础课程,他们对这门课的学习态度定会直接关系到大学物理及其后续课程的掌握效果。为提高大学物理这一课程的学习效率,本论文拟从学生对大学物理课程本身的理解和态度入手,采用问卷调查法,对学生对大学物理这门课的学习态度进行调查。本论文采用问卷调查法,,于2015年4月中上旬对周口师范学院13级自动化专业,12级生物工程专业,12级数学与应用数学专业及11级化学工程与工艺专业,进行问卷调查。本研究将把物理学习态度分为七个文度:独立性、连贯性、概念、现实联系、数学联系和成就、现实实际。本次调查预备从中挑选概念、现实联系、独立性、成就、现实实际,一共五个文度, 其包含了25个小项目。根据调查显示:(1)各专业学生在总体学习态度上没有太大的差异,(2)与最有利的学习态度相比还存在一定的差异。(3)被测试的现实实际文度在五个文度中,效果最好。(4)在性别方面,男女生在有利学习态度上差异不大。根据调查的结果,得出了工科大学生应做到:(1)新的学习态度,改变以前对大学物理的错误认识和理解不足,能够自觉承担起学习的重任,变记忆学习为批判性的创造学习,(2)改变以往的学习策略,把结构作为重点,注重公式和概念相结合,能够把个人的经历和经验带到学习中起到促进作用。(3)建立全新的教法,激发学生们的学习积极性,培养学生对大学物理的兴趣,多动手,勤动脑,建立一个全新的课堂教法。40628
College physics is a course that the engineering college students will learn .Their attitude towards the learning of this course will be directly related to the control effect of college physics and its subsequent course. To improve the study efficiency of college physics this course of study, this paper analyzes the student to the university physics course itself, the understanding and attitude of adopting questionnaire survey, to students on the course of university physics learning attitude in the investigation. This paper USES questionnaire investigation, and in 2015, early April 13 level of Zhou kou normal college of electronic information engineering, 13 level automation major, grade 12 biology engineering, grade 12 mathematics and application mathematics specialty, grade 11 chemical engineering and technology major, the questionnaire survey. This study will take physics learning attitude is pided into seven dimensions: independence, consistency, concept, and contact with reality, mathematical relation and achievements, actual reality. The survey choose the independence, the concept and the actual contact with reality, achievements, reality, a total of five dimensions, which contains a total of 25 small projects. According to the survey: (1) all students is not much difference in the overall attitude towards learning, (2) there are some differences compared with the most capable force learning attitude. (3) The actual dimensions of reality being tested in five dimensions, the best results. (4) In terms of gender, male and female students in a favorable attitude towards learning little difference. Based on the findings, obtained Engineering Students should: (1) there is a new attitude towards learning, change the past, university physics knowledge and understanding, can consciously assume responsibility for learning, learning and memory becomes critical to create learning, (2) change the past, learning strategies, the structure as a key focus on the combination of formulas and concepts, be able to bring personal experience and the experience of learning to play a catalytic role. (3) Establish a new teaching method to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, college students interested in physics, more hands, wash brains, build a new classroom teaching. 工科学生大学物理学习态度的调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_39040.html