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时间:2019-08-09 13:01来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字:   荧光光谱   偏振   中药鉴别
Comparative study on spectral characteristics of polarization of  lobelia and barbed skullcap herb
Abstract: Experimental determination of lobelia and barbed skullcap herb in different concentrations get the excitation spectrum , emission spectra and  fluorescence polarization spectrum ,in which shows that the change rule of spectral curve .FLS900 fluorescence spectrometer was used to contrast the study of lobelia and fluorescence spectrum in this project.  Results show that the lobelia is sensitive to the light of 450nm, barbed skullcap herb is  sensitive to the light of 460nm;The two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) fluorescence features are different in the same concentration;The emission peak of lobelia is between 520nm and 525nm the emission peak of barbed skullcap herb is between 520nm and 525nm,the change rule shows a greater difference between two polarization spectrum of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). lobelia and barbed skullcap herb can be pided efficiently using the method of fluorescence analysis .
Key words: Fluorescence spectrum   fluorescence polarization  identification of traditional Chinese medicine ;
摘要    I
Abstract    II
1绪论    1
1.1中药常用鉴别方法    1
1.2材料样品    2
1.2.1半边莲    2
1.2.2半枝莲    3
1.3光谱分析技术    3
1.4荧光激发光谱和发射光谱    4
1.4.1荧光激发光谱    4
1.4.2荧光发射光谱    4
1.5荧光的偏振度    5
2半边莲和半枝莲荧光光谱测量    5
2.1测量仪器及测量技术    5
2.1.1测量仪器    5
2.1.2测量技术    6
2.2样品溶液配制    7
2.3实验操作步骤    7
3.半边莲和半枝莲荧光光谱分析    8
3.1半边莲的荧光光谱特性    8
3.1.1半边莲的激发与发射光谱    8
3.1.2半边莲的偏振荧光光谱    9
3.2半枝莲的荧光光谱特性    11
3.2.1半枝莲的激发与发射光谱    11
3.2.2半枝莲的偏振荧光光谱    12
3.3半边莲和半枝莲荧光光谱对比    14
4.结论    15
致谢    16
参考文献    18
中药种植从古至今经过历朝历代的不断发展与传承,至今拥有了十分丰富的中草药资源,分布全国各地,除了物方面,我国还有着广泛的应用中草药治疗各类疾病的专业知识与人才基础。随着国家大力发扬中国传统文化,大力发掘中药产业,中药的用途越来越广泛,包括传统医治伤病、固本培元的作用,还包括结合西药优点提取特有物质创新发展中药产业。 FLS900半边莲与半枝莲的偏振荧光光谱特性对比研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_37324.html