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时间:2019-07-21 10:54来源:毕业论文
基于蓝牙的温湿度多点测量系统。设计的系统主要由STC89C58 单片机、HC-06 蓝牙模块、LCD12864 液晶显示、DHT11 温湿度传感器、DS1302 实时时钟芯片、蜂鸣器以及按键组成

摘要:在人们日常的生产生活中,对温湿度的监控正在变得越来越重要。例如在为人们产生更高经济效益的温室大棚,放映电影的放映室,控制电脑运行的机房等。过去的温湿度监控方式基本都是靠人通过手持扫温枪,观察水银温度计,这样不仅浪费大量的时间和人力,并且误差较大。本设计是一个基于蓝牙的温湿度多点测量系统。设计的系统主要由STC89C58 单片机、HC-06 蓝牙模块、LCD12864 液晶显示、DHT11 温湿度传感器、DS1302 实时时钟芯片、蜂鸣器以及按键组成。用来测量温湿度的 DHT11 测量精度高。DS1302 实时时钟芯片可提供断电保护,准确提供时间。设计中的按键可对时间以及温湿度上限进行修改。设计中最重要的是 STC89C58 单片机,通过对传感器传输过来的和上限值的比较来控制蜂鸣器和 LED 灯。温湿度传感器所测的的温度和湿度最终在 LCD 上显示并通过蓝牙模块传输给手机。     本设计造价低,操作简单,运行稳定并且精确可靠。具有较高的推广价值。 37353
毕业论文关键词:STC89C58  温湿度测量  蓝牙传输   
Multi-point Temperature and Humidity Measuring System Based on Bluetooth
Abstract:In people's daily production and life, the monitoring of temperature and humidity is becoming more and more important. For example, in the greenhouse to produce higher economic benefits for the people, showing the film screening room, computer room and other control operation. Temperature and humidity monitoring way past basically rely on people to sweep through the handheld thermometer, mercury thermometer to observe, it not only waste a lot of time and manpower, and error. The design is based on the temperature and humidity of Bluetooth multi points measuring system. The design of the system consists of STC89C58 microcontroller, HC-06 Bluetooth module, LCD12864 LCD display, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors, real-time clock chip DS1302, buzzer and keys. The measurement accuracy of DHT11 is used to measure the temperature and humidity is high. DS1302 real time clock chip can provide power-off protection, provide accurate time. In the design of the key can modify the time and the temperature and humidity limit. The most important in the design of the STC89C58 microcontroller, through the comparison of the sensor for transmission over the upper limit and to control the buzzer and LED lamp. Temperature and humidity sensor measurements of temperature and humidity on the LCD display and transmitted to the mobile phone through the Bluetooth module. The design of low cost, simple operation, stable operation and accurate and reliable. With a high promotional value.
Keyword:STC89C52    Temperature and humidity measurements    Bluetooth
1  绪论  .1
1.1 前言  .1
1.2 课题来源  ..2
1.3 国内外测量温湿度现状趋势及挑战  .2
1.4 研究的目的、意义及主要内容 ...3
2 单片机温湿度测量系统总体思路  ..4
2.1 基于蓝牙多点测温湿系统的功能设计  .4
2.2 基于蓝牙传输多点测温湿系统的设计思路及流程  5
3 系统硬件电路的设计  ...6
3.1 控制模块的设计  6
3.2 温湿度传感器设计  7
3.2.1  DHT11的简介  8
3.3.2 引脚说明  8
3.3 蓝牙传输模块设计  9
3.4  LED显示电路设计..  10
3.4.1  12864液晶显示屏工作范围与显示特性  .  10
3.4.2  12864液晶显示屏引脚说明  ..  11
3.5 按键电路设计  .  12
3.6 报警电路设计  .  12
4 系统软件部分的设计  .  13
4.1  系统工作流程 ...  13
4.2 开发软件keil的使用  .  17 STC89C58单片机蓝牙的温湿度多点测量系统设计+电路图:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_36094.html