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时间:2018-09-06 20:26来源:毕业论文

摘 要 :21世纪随着网络技术、智能设备以及互联网产品的发展,使人们的生活越来越方便快捷,工作越来越高效,人们足不出户就能解决许多许多问题。人们已经越来越依赖智能设备,比如当今社会上就有许多的手机控,一刻也不能离开手机。这一切要归功于网络技术的发展,其中短距离无线通信网络起着重要作用。文章对短距离无线通信网络所采用的通信技术进行探讨,介绍了几种常见的通信技术,包括蓝牙、WiFi、IrDA、UWB、NFC、ZigBee,阐述了它们的发展历史、技术原理、技术特点、优势劣势、发展前景以及实际应用方面的知识,希望人们对短距离无线通信技术有更多的了解,各种短距离无线通信技术能在合适的应用领域发挥各自的优势,更多地融入到我们的日常生活和工作中,为人们的生活和工作带来便利。27880
Short distance wireless communication technology
Abstract:21st century with the development of network technology, intelligent equipment and Internet products, make the life of people more and more convenient and quick, work more and more efficient, people never leave home can solve many problems. People have become increasingly dependent on smart devices, such as in today's society has many mobile phone charges, there's not a moment to leave a mobile phone. All this can be attributed to the development of network technology, the short distance wireless communication network plays an important role. Adopted by the articles of short distance wireless communication network communication technology, introduces several common communication technology, including bluetooth, WiFi, IrDA, UWB, NFC, ZigBee, expounds the development history, technical principles, technical characteristics, advantages disadvantages, development prospects and practical application of the knowledge of the respect, want people to know more short-range wireless communication technology, all kinds of short distance wireless communication technology is applied in the right areas play their respective advantages, more and more into our daily life and work, bring convenience for people's life and work.
Key Words: Bluetooth; WiFi;IrDA;UWB;NFC;ZigBee 
目    录

摘要    4
1.短距离无线通信概述    5     
1.1短距离无线通信技术的发展历史    5
1.2短距离无线通信技术的技术特点和优势    5
1.3短距离无线通信技术的技术的典型应用    6
2.常用短距离无线通信技术    6
2.1 蓝牙    6
2.2 WiFi    9
2.3 IrDA技术    11  
2.4 UWB技术    13
2.5 NFC技术    15   
2.6 ZigBee技术    16
3.短距离无线通信技术的发展    18
3.1 各种短距离无线通信技术的比较    18
3.2 ZigBee和WiFi的比较    18
4.无线短距离通信技术的应用前景    19
4.1 蓝牙的发展趋势    19
4.2 WiFi的发展趋势    20
5.结束语     21
参考文献    21
致谢    23
1. 短距离无线通信概述
1.1 短距离无线通信技术的发展历史
     由于有线网络布线改线麻烦,耗时耗力且费用昂贵,由于环境复杂,线路还容易遭到损坏,文护难度大,且不能随意移动等缺点越发突出,有线网络已不能满足人们的通信需求,且随着个域网(WPAN)的概念的出现,短距离无线通信越来越受到人们的关注。短距离无线通信技术如蓝牙、WiFi、IrDA、UWB、NFC、ZigBee等已得到广泛的应用。 短距离无线通信技术的研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_22527.html