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时间:2018-08-17 11:39来源:毕业论文

关键词  四辊轧机  力学模型  大量计算  侧向力  真实情况  有限元分析
Title   Deformation Analysis of Four Roll Reversing Hot Rolling Mill
The structure of four roll reversing hot rolling mill in hot-rolled coil plant is very complicated.It has been found that if the working roll is less than 640mm, abnormal vibration will happen,and the working roll will be not able to work normally. This thesis comes from the practical engineering problems.According to the rolling mill drawings,a rolling mill model has been established.Loading after discretization,and then we simulate the working state of the rolling mill with ANSYS software.Using 3D contact element and mechanical model and calculating deformation with ANSYS software,we do the analysis of deformation of four roll reversing hot rolling mill. Although the final results may have some deviation with the real situation,the research process of this paper,some lessons and some skills are still worth reading.In the last,we found the conclusion that there is a part of the deformation of the rolling mill caused the vibration of different tours.
Keywords  Four roll reversing hot rolling mill    mechanical model    Large amount of computation    Lateral force     Real situation   Finite Element Analysis 
目   次
1      绪论•1
    1.1 研究背景以及选题意义•1
    1.2 发展状况•3
      1.3 本论文的主要研究内容 3       2  相关理论5
      2.1 变形的概念•5
      2.2 弯曲挠度 5
      2.3 有限元方法的基本原理•6
      2.4 本章小结•7
  3  有限元建模8
      3.1 建立模型•8
      3.2 划分网格10
      3.3 施加约束、载荷及设置参数•13
      3.4 本章小结13
  4  计算结果及分析•15
      4.1 ANSYS简介15
致谢 •33
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景以及选题意义
进入新世纪以来,我国的钢铁工业飞速发展,默默地向全国甚至是世界各地源源不断地输送优秀钢材,为中国的继续腾飞做出了不可磨灭的贡献。其中,广泛应用于汽车、电机、化工、造船等工业部门的热轧带钢是相当重要的钢材品种,对整个钢铁工业的技术进步和经济效益有着至关重要的影响[2],与此同时也作为冷轧、焊接、冷弯型钢生产的坯料[2]。各大老牌钢铁工业强国热轧带钢产量约占热轧钢材的半数以上,并且在国际中处于领跑位置[12],而我国钢铁工业与之相比只能算刚刚起步。虽然在近年来产量增长较快,但在其生产质量和工作效率等方面还有许多有待提高的地方[12]。 ANSYS四辊可逆式热轧轧机变形分析:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_21542.html