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时间:2018-07-09 21:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词  热致变色薄膜,热辐射特性,热致变色特性,光栅结构
Title  Research on the grating structure based on thermal
         radiation properties of thin films regulatory method
With the development of society and science, smaller satellites and spacecrafts are playing increasingly important roles in many ways. However, in this area, there are completely rigid requirements for thermal-control technology. The structure determined by heat-induced discoloration film and base can change the property of thermal radiation, and thus it is of significance to thermal-control technology. As a result, it is necessary to develop the craft and technique in heat-nduced discoloration film.
The paper built a model used to calculate the grating structure based on the heat-induced discoloration film. Namely in a 2 dimension silicon surface, a tiny square hole was covered by a heat induced discoloration film made of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 and then calculate via Rsoft. The simulation showed the La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 film brought about a special structure, largely improving its thermal-radiation property. Also, there was another conclusion that when the depth of hole was deepened, the thermal-radiation property was also well strengthened.
Keywords:heat-nduced discoloration film,thermal-radiation property,heat-nduced discoloration property,grating structure
目   次
1  绪论 1
1.1  前言  1
1.2  热致变色薄膜微结构发展现状  1
1.3  研究内容  3
2  热致变色薄膜辐射特性模拟 4
2.1  计算材料物性参数 4
2.2  构建计算模型及计算的理论依据 9
2.3  计算结果分析 11
3  总结和展望 18
3.1  总结 18
3.2  展望 18
结论  20
致谢  21
参考文献  22
1  绪论
1.1  前言
人类无论对于宇宙的探索还是地球上的监测,都需要各种航天器的参与,随着科学的发展,对于各种航天器的要求越来越精细化,然而以往的热控器件由于体积大等特点,不适合用于微型航天器,热致变色薄膜材料的出现解决了这一问题,因为其自身可以起到温度的调控作用。还有一些热致变色薄膜在相变的时候,红外光线的透射率会发生较大的变化,通过掺杂等方法使热致变色薄膜的相变点改变,通过在建筑物外侧使用热致变色薄膜,使其根据室外温度自动调节辐射特性,进而调节室内温度,对于降低煤排放,减少耗电量,促进和谐低碳社会起到良好的作用,因为该项材料研究的价值是很高的。当然,伴随着科技时代的来临,一些军事上的用途也是异常的迫切,尤其是在现在这个战争遍及中亚,非洲等地,大批的高科技武器被运用在了实战中,对于战斗机的要求越来越高,尤其是在隐身技术上,隐身技术实际上就是运用材料的物理特性,起到吸收光波的作用,进而起到雷达监测不到的效果,有些热致变色薄膜在相变点附近涂层时,发生发射率突变,该特性的发展有望实现躲避雷达探测,从而实现隐身性能,该项技术具有良好的发展前景和广阔的市场。 基于光栅结构的热致变色薄膜辐射特性调控方法研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_19361.html