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时间:2017-06-07 09:44来源:毕业论文

摘  要:从2003年到2013年高考作文经历了从命题作文到话题作文再到材料作文的转变,由原来的单一性转变到如今的多样性,由原来的限制性转变到与如今的开放性,这无论是在高考作文的命题方面还是在写作的教学方面,都是一个重要的催化剂。本毕业论文通过历年高考作文命题阶段性特征作为切入点,对高考作文进行系统的梳理、详细的归类,力求全面地勾勒出高考作文的内容、命题方式以及命题理念的演变轨迹,从而更好的分析命题的变化规律和发展趋势,并针对高考作文教学中所存在的问题,分析原因,提出解决方案,并在此基础上结合实际,为如何构建理想的高考作文命题样式提供有力参考。关键词:高考作文;命题形式;语文教学;综合能力;新材料作文9785
Nearly ten years the university entrance
exam composition style research
Abstract: from 2003 to 2013, the university entrance exam composition has experienced from the essay to the topic composition to the material composition of the transition, from the original single to persity, from the openness of the restrictive to today, both in terms of the university entrance exam composition proposition and in this writing teaching, is an important catalyst. Stage characteristics based on the calendar year the university entrance exam composition as the breakthrough point, on the college entrance examination composition system of carding, detailed classification, strive to fully draw the outline of the content of the university entrance exam composition, the evolution of the concept of proposition and proposition trajectory, thus better change rule and developing trend of the analysis of the proposition, and aiming at the problems in the college entrance examination composition teaching, analysis the reason, put forward the solution, and on this basis, combined with the actual, for how to build an ideal college entrance examination composition style provide strong reference.
Key words: The university entrance exam composition; Propositional forms; Chinese teaching; Comprehensive ability; The new material composition
摘  要 1
Abstract  1
一、近十年高考作文命题的阶段性 2
(一)传统作文命题的统一性和限定性 2
(二)新型作文命题的多样性和开放性 2
二、近十年高考作文命题的变化规律及发展趋势 3
(二)近十年高考作文命题的发展趋势 4
致谢 11
2003年全国高考作文都以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为“话题”,取材是寓言故事,话题类型是关系型,内容指向是情感认知。只有从2004年开始实行分省自主命题,2004年全国高考语文15道作文除北京是命题作文外,均是话题作文,14道话题作文中,关系型9道,概念型5道,比喻型2道。2004年的高考作文命题形式与以往试题基本保持一致,体现了高考作文命题的稳定性,命题形式在稳中求变过程中还是出现了一些新的特点:一是取材灵活,更加贴近学生生活,如辽宁卷以“平凡与自豪”为话题,取材是采访对话,内容指向是人生态度。二是简洁式话题的出现。这种命题没有情景设置,没有语言引导,直接以某一词语作为话题亮出,如上海卷以“忙”为话题,意图减少情景和引言对学生思文的干扰。三是文体要求上,2013年有北京卷、上海卷、湖南卷、浙江卷四个省市限制诗歌文体。 高考作文命题样式研究:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_8610.html