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时间:2021-04-24 21:56来源:毕业论文
从我国现行《婚姻法》在执行过程中与相关婚俗产生的冲突入手,分析冲突 产生的原因,并在此基础上对婚俗习惯与婚姻法之间的协调提出相关意见

摘要:与婚姻法相比,婚俗习惯具有继承性和稳定性的特点。早在西周时期,便有了“六 礼”、“七出、“三不去”等相关的婚俗。此后,婚俗也随着历史的演变而不断地被继承 与发展。直到今天,婚俗习惯仍旧存在于人们的日常生活中(如仪式婚、彩礼、订婚等), 对人们的相关行为起着重要的影响作用。而与婚俗习惯的继承性不同,法律的制定往往是 具有前瞻性的,只有在调整社会关系时做出相应的前瞻性判断,法律才能够适应不断变化 的社会生活。但这并不意味着只要简单地套用外国的先进、完备的法律就可以满足其前瞻 性的需要,推进我国婚姻立法的现代化进程。移植的法律条文实际上与人们的婚姻生活的 现状相脱节,从而不可避免的与从日常生活中演变而来的相关婚俗产生矛盾。66318

笔者正是从我国现行《婚姻法》在执行过程中与相关婚俗产生的冲突入手,分析冲突 产生的原因,并在此基础上对婚俗习惯与婚姻法之间的协调提出相关意见。

毕业论文关键词: 婚俗、婚姻法、冲突

Research on the relationship between Chinese marriage customs folk and traditional legal system

Abstract:Compared with the marriage law, marriage custom owns inheritance and stability. As early as the Xi Zhou Dynasty, there will be a "six rites", "seven out," three do not "and other related folk, and after the continuous inheritance and development until  today,  marriage customs still exist in people's daily life (Such as ritual marriage, bride price, engagement, etc.), the people's related behavior plays an important role in the marriage custom with  the inheritance of different legal development is often forward-looking, only in the adjustment of social relations to make the corresponding Of the prospective judgment, the law can adapt to changing social life.But this does not mean that simply apply foreign advanced, complete law can meet its forward-looking needs to promote the modernization of our marriage legislation.

The author is from the current "Marriage Law" in the implementation process with the relevant marriage customs conflict, start the analysis of the causes of conflict, and on the basis of the marriage custom and marriage law between the coordination of the relevant views.

Key words:marriage custom  、marriage law、conflict


一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究缘起 1

(二) 课题的研究现状 1

(三) 研究目的 2

(四) 研究方法 2

1. 文献研究法 2

2. 对比研究法 2

二、 婚俗习惯的合理性与概念 2

(一) 婚俗习惯的概念与特征 2

(二) 婚俗习惯的特征 3

(三) 婚俗习惯存续的合理性 3

三、婚俗习惯与婚姻法之间的冲突 4

(一) 仪式婚、事实婚与登记婚之间的冲突 4

(二) 婚约习俗与婚约立法空白之间的冲突 5

四、 冲突产生的原因分析 中国民间婚俗与传统法系关系探究:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_74204.html
