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时间:2020-08-05 11:44来源:毕业论文

摘 要:《大唐三藏取经诗话》作为最早的西游取经故事的文本,其形成时代的基本确定,将系统的《西游记》成书史研究大大推进了一步。由此而深入,《大唐三藏取经诗话》文本的形成,又成为一个新的更值得探究的课题。曾有学者提出《大唐三藏取经诗话》源自中唐密宗高僧不空三藏取经行纪的假说,认为它最初记录的并非玄奘法师经由丝绸之路去印度取经的事迹而是不空三藏由海路前往印度的经历。到晚唐密宗消退后,零散的玄奘取经故事才乘机而入,将其改造为以玄奘为主人公的取经故事。这个假说长期没有引起重视,但本文肯定其有很强的合理性和非常重要的意义,并就不空三藏印度行纪与《大唐三藏取经诗话》的关系作了进一步的探讨。53537


Abstract:The determination of the writing era of Poetic Tale on Master Tang-Sanzang's Pilgrimage for Buddhist Sutra--the earliest version of Buddhist scriptures, has push research on systemic formation history of Journey to the West one step further. Thus, the formation of Poetic Tale on Master Tang-Sanzang's Pilgrimage for Buddhist Sutra has been a new project rewarding to tap. Once an expert posited that the Tang Dynasty Tantric master Bu Kong’s Buddhist scriptures to India is the origin of Poetic Tale on Master Tang-Sanzang's Pilgrimage for Buddhist Sutra. He thought Poetic Tale on Master Tang-Sanzang's Pilgrimage for Buddhist Sutra is the first record of  the story of  the experience of Bu Kong’s Buddhist scriptures to India by sea. After Tantric subsided in the late Tang Dynasty,scattered stories of Xuan Zang’s Buddhist scriptures entered in, and transform Xuan Zang as the character of the story. Since this hypothesis hasn’t been taken seriously, this paper affirms its rationality and importance and then further explores the relationship between Bu Kong’s Buddhist scriptures to India and Poetic Tale on Master Tang-Sanzang's Pilgrimage for Buddhist Sutra.   

Keywords:Poetic Tale on Master Tang-Sanzang's Pilgrimage for Buddhist Sutra;Tang Monk’s story of buddhist scriptures;Bu Kong;formation history of Journey to the West


《大唐三藏取经诗话》是现今所知的西游记取经故事的最早文本,通常都认为它上接唐初玄奘法师取经本事,下连宋元以后各类西游取经故事的演绎,是《西游记》形成的一个关键节点。鉴于这样的重要意义,《大唐三藏取经诗话》的研究一直受到关注,也不断有重要成果脱颖而出,从而形成了一个充满活力的学术专题。具体状况,前面已有若干学者做过整理阐述[1] ,但出于本文论述的需要,笔者还是要做一个简单的梳理。



(大唐三藏取经诗话)卷末有“中瓦子张家印”款一行。中瓦子为宋临安府街名,倡优剧场之所在也。……此云“中瓦子张家印”,盖即《梦梁录》之张官人经史子集文籍铺。……此书与《五代平活》、《京本小说》及《宣和遗事》,体例略同。……此有诗无词,故名诗话。皆《梦粱录》、《都城纪胜》所谓说话之一种也。……闻日本德富苏峰尚藏一大字本,题“大唐三藏取经记”,不知与小字本异同何如也。[3](p55) 不空三藏与《大唐三藏取经诗话》关于西游记取经故事早期文本的讨论:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_57672.html
