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时间:2020-03-13 21:42来源:毕业论文

 ABSTRACT The book of songs is the first anthology of poetry in China. Hatred thorn poem in the book of songs is a hot spot in the research of the fans of the book of songs. In this paper, and from this relationship, the relationship of the five ethics aspect to analyze hatred thorn poem in the book of songs, and through the "special" and "lesser" hatred of the comparison of poetry, supplemented by scholars in different period of hatred of the different views of poetry. The later poets affected by hatred thorn in the classic of poetry, and then the oppression of the society, there are also many express hatred leave the world of poetry.Hatred thorn poem in the book of songs expressed emotion is mainly associated with the time and the overall social environment, the later poems with a similar, if one often turbulent times, the rule of the monarch to discontent and also can produce a lot of this type of poetry. But later generations of hatred in addition to express hatred stab stab type of poetry on the basis of this express their aspirations or hope for this country.
Key words: the book of songs; Hatred thorn poetry; ethics
 目  录
引言    1
第一章  《诗经》中的怨刺诗概述    2
第二章  怨刺诗中反映的不同的伦理观    4
2.1君臣之伦的怨刺诗    4
2.1.1朝臣的用心良苦    4
2.1.2百姓的怨声载道    5
2.1.3平民的别有用心    5
2.2君臣之外的怨刺诗    6
2.2.1夫妻之伦的怨刺诗    6
2.2.2其他伦理关系的怨刺诗    7
第三章  “国风”和“大小雅”中怨刺诗的对比    9
3.1“国风”中的怨刺诗    9
3.2“大小雅”中的怨刺诗    10
3.3“变风”“变雅”之说    10
3.4不同时期的不同看法    11
第四章  怨刺诗所反映的伦理纲常及对后世的影响    13
4.1“兴观群怨”说中的“怨”    13
4.2对怨刺诗表现出的伦理纲常的总结    13
4.3《诗经》中的怨刺诗对后世的影响    14
结束语    16
致谢    17
参考文献    18
 引  言
《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,且两千多年以来,有关《诗经》的论著数以千计,是我国古代典籍中派别最繁,说解最详,争议最多的书。这些著作中有的阐述诗旨,有的研究训诂,有的校订文字,有的探讨山川地理,有的讨论典章制度。研究《诗经》的著作和论述是各个角度,各个方向。如朱熹就以自己的见解编写了《诗集传》,方玉润则编写了《诗经原始》,也有只给《诗经》作注而基本上不谈论自己看法的程俊英的《诗经译注》。他们的书中对怨刺诗也有提及,但未专门研究,更是很少从伦理观这一角度来分析怨刺诗。一些硕博论文和期刊或者从伦理观方面研究分析,如:郑民令《<诗经>家庭伦理诗研究》 又或者单从怨刺诗方面研究,如:任慧《<诗经>怨刺诗研究》 ,杨简,李清文《论<诗经>中的怨刺诗》 。但是将伦理观和怨刺诗结合来分析的或从伦理观这一角度来研究怨刺诗的却是很少。因此本课题从伦理观这一角度切入分析《诗经》中的怨刺诗。 论《诗经》中的怨刺诗反映的伦理观:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_48266.html