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时间:2019-11-24 11:55来源:毕业论文



 A Comparative Study of the Western Han Man Mo statecraft


Wenjing and the Western Han Dynasty heyday is praiseworthy history for future generations two and prosperity, which affect its pioneer Han Emperor Wu of the Han and statecraft are inseparable, two common lies in governing goal are for the long period of order and stability of the regime of the Western Han; economy attach importance to agricultural development; in the problem, innovation of talent selection system; external focus on national defense construction. Performance differences between the implementation of liberal economic policies in the emperor and emperor of the implementation of a series of economic monopoly policy; in the legal system, Emperor advocated constitution provincial ban, Emperor implemented draconian laws; in dealing with the regime of the Western Han and minority regime problem, the Han Emperor implement cautious about war and pro policy, and emperor is put into force to achieve reunification.By Han Emperor Wu of Han Country Strategy and comparative studies can more clearly understand the origins, manifestations and influence their governance policies, understand the reasons for the formation of prosperity and summed up the lessons learned in social progress seems tells us that the development of national policies to change over time, conform to the trend.

Key Words: Emperor Wen of Han;  Emperor Wu of Han;  Statecraft

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一 治国方略的相同点 1

(一)目标一致 1

(二)重视农业生产发展 2

(三)重视人才选拔 3

(四)注重巩固边防 4

二 治国方略的不同点 5

(一)经济政策方面 5

(二)法治方面 6

(三)处理与少数民族政权关系方面 7

三 治国方略不同的原因分析 8

(一)所处时代不同 8

(二)个人执政风格 9

(三)具体方针相互作用的结果 10

四 结语 10

参考文献 11 

汉文帝,名刘恒,是汉朝的第三代皇帝,在位23年,他与汉景帝统治期间并列为“文景之治”,汉文帝在位时期继承汉初黄老之学的治国方略,但是和汉初曹参“举事无所变更”的老子之术又是有所区别的,他创新运用了黄老之术,在原先方针的基础上,励精图治,实行了一系列利于政权发展的政策,使西汉王朝较快地发展强盛起来,形成了经济繁盛、政治稳固的盛世景象。汉武帝,名刘彻,汉朝第五代皇帝,他在位五十四年,将西汉王朝发展到极盛时期,汉武帝继位之后,逐渐以董仲舒的新儒学取代黄老之学,然而董仲舒的新儒学同时也深受黄老之学的影响,在对先秦儒学进行加工改造的基础上,吸收了黄老思想,结合法家思想,恩威并施,汉文帝和汉武帝为了国家的长治久安,巩固封建统治,在治国方略上都进行了其各自的探索,既有一脉相承的相同之处,又各具特色。 西汉文武二帝治国方略比较研究:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_42227.html
