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时间:2019-06-17 19:05来源:毕业论文

摘要:词是宋代的文学主流。宋代被称为词的时代。然而宋初的词却以描写婉约为主。“诗言志词言情”、“词为艳科”都是对宋词这种创作主流倾向的归纳。词真正开始改变是在苏轼。  虽然欧阳修是北宋文学变革的重要人物,但苏轼却为这场文学变革做出了卓越的贡献。苏轼的豪放词风为历代所称颂有多层面的原因。为什么苏轼能打破词原本婉约缠绵的传统,开拓出新天地呢?文章从苏轼所生活的特定社会时代、苏轼一生的曲折经历、还有他的思想这几方面进行了探讨,并在此基础之上分析其豪放词的特点。本文从以下几个方面对苏轼的豪放词风形成原因作出简要分析,并分析豪放词的特点和对后世的影响。36435
毕业论文关键词:苏轼 ;   豪放词风 ;  原因 ;   特点 ;    影响 ;
Discuss the Heroic Style of Composing Poetry of Su Shi
Abstract: The lyric is the mainstream literature of the song dynasty. The song is called "era. However, the early Song Dynasty is mainly to describe the subtle. "Poems expressing wills" Romance "," lyric poem of Song lyric creation is the mainstream tendency of induction. Words really began to change at Su Shi. Although Ou Yangxiu is an important figure in the literature of Song Dynasty change, but Su Shi but for the change of literature made outstanding contributions. Su Shi the bold word wind due to the history of the praise and multi level. Why Su Shi can break the word originally graceful lingering tradition, open up a new heaven and earth? The specific social background, the life of Su Shi from Su Shi's life experience and his idea of the twists and turns, etc. are discussed, and then on the basis of analysis of characteristics of the bold word. This paper from the following several aspects of Su Shi the bold word wind causes to make a brief analysis, and analysis of the characteristics of bold and unconstrained lyric and the influence on later generations.
    Key words: Su Shi; the heroic style of composing poetry ; reasons; characteristics; influences;
唐诗在中国古代文学史上有着重要的历史地位,是中国古代文学宝库中的一颗耀眼的明珠,并作为宝贵的文化遗产,长久的保留下来。与唐诗相比,宋词也毫不逊色,它是中国古代文学皇冠上璀璨夺目的一颗巨钻,在古代文学这个大花园中,她是一座芬芳绚丽的园圃。她以姹紫嫣红、千姿百态的风韵,与唐诗争奇,与元曲斗艳。历来与唐诗并称双绝,都是一代文学盛世的代表。历史上宋代的词人数不胜数,在众多的此人当中,苏轼可谓是最有影响力,最受人推崇和称赞的一个。而苏词更是为宋代词的发展和繁荣增添了浓重的一笔。 论苏轼的豪放词风:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_34894.html