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时间:2018-04-28 08:37来源:毕业论文

Comparison in“Review of the end of the article”Chuan qi of Tang and Song
Abstract: This paper collected  "literature review" at the end of the tang and song dynasty legend, and respectively summarized the main content of "literature review" at the end of tang and song dynasty legend and its relationship with saga of text, and thought there were somewhat similarities and differences in "article review" at the end of the tang, song legend in the content and that the relationship between "literature review" and legend text varied from discrepancy to complement each other. By further comparing the main content of "literature review" at the end of the legends of tang, we can summarize that "literature review" at the end of tang dynasty legend focused on the emotional expression, " literature review " at the end of the song dynasty legend  focused on the rational and in song dynasty it had the characteristics of secularization, the differences were related with the social culture of tang and song dynasties, the author and so on.
Key Words :Chuan qi of  Tang and Song ;“Review of the end of the article ”Emotion ; Reason; Secularization
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract1 一、唐传奇“篇末垂诫”的主要内容2
(一)社会文化环境12 (二)作者身份地位12(三)创作目的12
参考文献13  致谢14                                                        

唐、宋传奇的“篇末垂诫”之比较 目前学术界并没有关于唐、宋传奇“篇末垂诫”的专门研究,只是在研究唐、宋传奇时提到“篇末垂诫”,学者们在比较唐、宋传奇“篇末垂诫”时说法各异,本论文从“篇末垂诫”的具体内容入手,来分析比较唐、宋传奇“篇末垂诫”的不同,以及“篇末垂诫”与传奇正文的关系,并进一步从社会文化、作者身份地位、辞章化与话本化风格、创作目的等方面探讨造成差异的原因。 唐宋传奇的“篇末垂诫”之比:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_14308.html