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时间:2021-07-16 20:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  车位锁  远程控制  WIFI


Title    Design and implementation of the server side of the  parking lock control system                         


As the number of the private car increases sharply, there are fewer and fewer parking space, and more and more people forcibly occupy other people’s private parking space. To install parking lock is an efficient way to solve such kind of problems. The parking lock controlling system in this design, through communicating with mobile end and parking lock, receive the command request of the mobile end, inspect the operation of the parking lock, and send the corresponding instruction code to the parking lock, which can make the parking lock ascend or descend according to the instruction of the customer, and send back the finished information to the mobile end. Hence, the manipulated operation of the customer to the parking lock can be completed. Through experiment, the customer can edit information through this parking lock controlling system, and complete controlling operation to multiple parking locks.

Keywords  Parking lock;Remote control;WIFI

目   次

1  引言 1

1.1  课题研究背景 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 2

1.3  论文的内容安排 4

2  相关技术与开发平台介绍 5

2.1  车位锁介绍 5

2.2  开发工具Eclipse 6

2.3  HTTP协议简介 7

2.4  Socket通信 8

2.5  TCP/IP协议简介 11

2.6  串口通信 12

3  方案设计 13

3.1  服务器与手机端方案设计 13

3.2  服务器与车位锁方案设计 14

3.3  数据库方案设计 14

4  车位锁控制系统设计 15

4.1  系统总体框架 15

4.2  指令格式 15

4.3  Wifi模块配置 16

4.4  手机端到服务器 17

4.5  服务器到车位锁 18

4.6  车位锁到服务器 20

4.7  服务器到手机端 21

4.8  数据库设计 22

5  车位锁控制系统结果演示 25

5.1  演示装置介绍 25

5.2  对车位锁的控制演示 25

结论  28

致谢  29

参考文献 30

1  引言


1.1  课题研究背景

锁不管是在以前还是在先进这个科学技术飞速发展的时代,都得到了广泛的运用。上个世纪70年代的时候,锁开始在创新领域取得了自身的发展,很大一部分原因是微电子技术之兴起。因而,出现了更加富有科技含量和技术含量的锁,诸如声控锁、电磁波锁、视网膜锁、磁控锁和红外线锁等等。另外一方面,锁在外形上变得更加袖珍,具有一定的安全性和保密性[3]。 Socket车位锁控制系统的服务器端设计实现:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_78181.html
