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时间:2021-06-17 19:46来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  频率合成器; 相位噪声;  锁相环


Title    The Design of the L-band Phase-locked Loop                     



In recent years, with the rapid development of wireless communication technology. The sources of the aerospace,radar,electronic on the frequencuy of the output signal are increasingly high requirements.

Final analysis ,the frequency sourcecore of the core indicators  determines a lot of important indicators of the entire system. And in this paper ,there is also a  a brief description on frequency synthesizer,the  core component of the electronic system . This paper briefly introduces the history and development of the frequency synthesizer.We also have a

describtion on the structure,classification and a series of important

Parameters such as phase noise . The key part of the article describes the relevant knowledge of the phase-locked loop , including the structure, classification and basic principles. 

Keywords  Frequency synthesizer; Phase Noise ;Phase-Locked Loop


1  绪论 1

1.1 课题意义 1

1.2.1  锁相环技术的产生背景 1

1.2.2锁相环的发展及应用 1

1.3 论文内容 2

2  频率合成器综述 4

2.1  频率合成技术分类 4

2.1.1  直接模拟频率合成(Direct Frequency Synthesis,DS) 4

2.1.2间接频率合成(Indirect Frequency Synthesis,IS)技术 4

2.1.3 直接数字频率合成(Digtial Direct Frequency Synhteis,DDS) 4

2.2 主要技术指标 5

2.3 频率合成器的优点 5

2.3.1  高的频率长期稳定度 5

2.3.2  易于实现数字置定和显示频率 5

2.4  频率合成器的应用 5

3  锁相环综述 7

3.1 锁相环的主要部件 7

3.1.1  鉴相器 7

3.1.2  环路滤波器 8

3.1.3  压控振荡器 11

3.2 环路的基本方程 12

3.3 锁相环的跟踪特性 13

3.4 锁相环的捕捉性能 L波段锁相环的设计:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_77063.html
