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时间:2021-01-01 15:51来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  功率合成,传输损耗,微带线,ADS,四合一功率合成器


Title Design and Simulation of microwave Multi-way power combiners                                     

Abstract With the leap development of the modern electronic and communication technology and the more and more frequent information exchange, various kinds of electrical and electronic equipments have greatly affected business and home in all domains. In the field of microwave communication, along with the development of microwave technology, as a key device, the influence of the splitters’ performance to system can not be overlooked, so the development technology needs continuously improved. 

In this paper, the basic theory and the performance indicators of the splitters are simply introduced, and then the design idea and process of a specific 1 into 3 splitters are expatiated. The circuit structure, the simulation results and the Layout chart are also givn. Finally, the Territory is made. ADS is also used in the design. How to use them in the specific circuit modeling, simulation, optimization and Territory formation are correspondingly described in the paper.

Keywords  power synthetic, transmission loss, microstrip line,ADS, four in one power combiner

1  绪论  1

1.1  微波功率合成研究意义  1

1.2  国内外微波固态功率合成技术的现状及发展趋势  1

1.3  微波功率合成技术综述  3

1.4  论文的工作  5

2  设计方案的确定  6

2.1  仿真软件介绍  6

2.2  微带线^ 6

2.3  微带功分器的选择  8

2.4  原理图设计与仿真  11

3  微带线功率合成器系统设计  12

3.1  微带线功率合成器结构的确定  12

3.2  微带线尺寸选择  12

3.3  功率合成器的初值计算  12

3.4  软件设计  14

4  软件优化及功分器版图的生成  18

4.1  软件优化  18

4.2  功分器版图的生成  21

5  仿真结果  22

5.1  电路图仿真结果  22

5.2  最终电路图  30

结论  31

致谢  32

参考文献 33

1  绪论

1.1  微波功率合成研究意义


微波通信系统,在通信链路中,发射信号的载波信号就需要较大的功率,以抵消噪声信号的干扰。因此,为发射链路提供大功率输出就显得至关重要,通常的做法是通过放大电路将小的信号放大,但是由于单路载波信号的放大程度往往十分有限,这就需要将多个单路载波信号进行有效的放大合成。所以,很有必要对多路载波信号的功率合成技术进行研究,选择适当的合成方式,实现功率的有效合成,以满足日益增长的发射机的大功率需求。 ADS微波多路功率合成器的设计与仿真:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_67536.html
