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时间:2017-05-03 21:43来源:毕业论文
论文以滤波器设计的基本理论为指导,采用LTCC 技术来实现两种不同中心频率毫米波带状线滤波器的设计。为了提高滤波器的边带衰减,一方面可以通过增加滤波器的谐振级的数目

近年来,随着人们对超高速无线通信日益增加的需求,毫米波无线通信已经很受欢迎。同时,随着我国国民经济的快速发展和国防科技的飞速进步,航空、航天、雷达系统、单兵智能武器、机载和弹载的无线系统等均对微型微波器件提出了更高的要求。高性能、低成本和小型化已经成为当前微波/毫米波领域器件的发展方向。 滤波器被广泛的应用于微波/毫米波通信、雷达导航、电子对抗、卫星通信、导弹制导、测试仪表等系统中,是微波和毫米波系统中不可缺少的重要器件,其性能的优劣往往直接影响整个通信系统的性能指标。 基于LTCC技术构造的多层毫米波滤波器具有众多的优点恰好满足了当前的发展需求。 本论文以滤波器设计的基本理论为指导,采用LTCC 技术来实现两种不同中心频率毫米波带状线滤波器的设计。为了提高滤波器的边带衰减,一方面可以通过增加滤波器的谐振级的数目;另一方面可以选用边带陡峭的函数型滤波器,例如切比雪夫滤波器或者椭圆函数滤波器等。但是,增加滤波器的谐振级的数目将会增加滤波器的尺寸,同时也会增加制造成本;而切比雪夫滤波器和椭圆函数滤波器的相位特性不太好。综合考虑,为了得到比较平坦的相位特性,本文中的两个滤波器都采用了巴特沃兹滤波器原型。同时,两滤波器都采用两种手段来提高滤波器边带衰减:一方面都采用了4个谐振级的带状线结构;另一方面,滤波器的模型中引入了Z字形导体层,在阻带增加了有限个可控的传输零点来增加边带衰减。通过改变Z字形导体层的形状、尺寸和位置可以调整传输零点的位置。本文中的两个滤波器的整体尺寸均为1.63mm 0.63mm 0.83mm。中心频率分别为52.25GHz和61.25GHz, 带宽分别为4GHz和6.5GHz,两滤波器选用的介质材料的相对介电常数分别为2.8和2。8113
关键词  LTCC, 毫米波滤波器, 带状线, 小型化。
 Title        Research on millimeter-wave LTCC filter  
Recently, millimeter-wave wireless communication has become popular to
meet the increasing demand for ultrahigh-speed  communication.  On the  same
time, with the rapid development of the national economy and the rapid
advance of national defense science and technology, aviation, aerospace,
radar systems, inpidual soldier intelligent weapons and airborne radio
system, etc.  request high performance and miniaturization microwave
devices.  The high-performance, low-cost, and miniaturized chip-type
components using in microwave / millimeter-wave applications are the
current trend.  
Filters are widely used in microwave / millimeter-wave communications,
radar navigation, electronic countermeasures, satellite communications,
missile guidance, testing instruments and other systems.  It is an important
and indispensable device in the microwave and millimeter-wave systems, its
performance often directly affects  the performance of the entire
communication system. Passive multilayer filter based on LTCC for radio
frequencies meets those requirements very well.
The design is in the guidance of basic filter theory. The two strip-line
band pass filters are designed by using LTCC technology. In order to achieve
a high stop-band attenuation, one way is to add the orders of the filter
as much as possible; the other is to select a high stop-band attenuation
filter modes, such as, Chebyshev filter  or  Ellipse filter. However, adding
the orders of the filter will increase the size of the filter and
manufacturing cost, moreover, the phase character of the Chebyshev filter
and Ellipse filter is not good enough.  After all, the two band-pass filters 毫米波LTCC滤波器的研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_6327.html