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时间:2019-12-22 12:03来源:毕业论文



关键词  音乐分类  特征提取  支持向量机  MFCC


Title  Music genre classification based on support vector  machine (SVM)


 With the enhancement of the digital music industry and the development of network technology, people can access a huge database capacity through various music sites. To make it easier for users to find the resources they want music, the classification  of  music resources is becoming a hot issue for many scholars at home and abroad.

  In this paper, the support vector machine is used as a classifier to classify music.Music classification is focused on the extracted feature vector can effectively show the characteristics and difference of different music . Use music pretreatment, according to the short-term analysis technology, and then extract the time domain and frequency domain characteristics of music, form a high-dimensional feature vector. Using a higher dimensional music of different characteristic vector and the different data sets to verify this classification performance. Experimental results show that using MFCC parameters, of short-time energy and short-time zero crossing ratio 38 dimensional feature vector, the GTZAN dataset ten genre classification, classification accuracy of 75.5%. Four kinds of Chinese traditional music instruments in their library classification accuracy of 94.375%.

Keywords  Music classification,Feature Extraction,SVM,MFCC

 目   录

1  绪论 1

1.1  研究的背景和意义 1

1.2  音乐流派分类的现状 1

1.3 本文主要研究内容和结构安排 3

2  音乐理论基础 4

2.1 人耳的感知 4

2.1.1人耳的构造 4

2.1.2 听觉感受性 4

2.1.3 掩蔽效应 6

2.2  音乐的特征 7

3 支持向量机基本理论 8

3.1 统计学习理论 9

3.2 支持向量机分类 10

3.2.1 最大间隔分类器和硬间隔分类法 10

3.2.2 线性不可分支持向量机和软间隔分类法 11

3.2.3 非线性支持向量机与核函数 12

3.3 支持向量机的特点和优势 13

4  音乐特征的提取 15

4.1 信号预处理 基于支持向量机(SVM)的音乐流派分类:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_43939.html
