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时间:2018-11-27 08:52来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 毫米波  辐射特性  图像去噪  微分算子
Title:  Millimeter-wave radiation image feature analysis and  extration method
Abstract The characteristics of millimeter wave can satisfy the need in lots of practical application, and the development prospect of millimeter wave technology is becoming wider . Millimeter wave radiometer can work around the clock during the day, and not only does it have excellent penetration, but also the radiation is harmless to human body, so the millimeter wave radiation imaging technology plays an irreplaceable role on many occasions. So, it is important to extract the information we need from the millimeter wave radiation image. first we need to do the image preprocessing, and then use appropriate operator in the image after denoising to extract feature of image.
The graduation design uses passive millimeter wave imaging system composed of 3 mm band communication total power radiometer for imaging experiments, and then we get the millimeter wave radiation image of the target of pool to conduct image processing. This paper introduces several kinds of denoising method, and compares the similarities and differences among several differential operator, also state their characteristics in detail  respectively in this paper After introducing several kinds of denoising method, this paper compares the similarities and differences among several differential operator, and states their characteristics in detail  respectively in this paper.
Key words: millimeter wave ; radiation characteristic; Image denoising; differential operator
1  绪论    1
1.1 引言    1
1.2 课题背景    1
1.3 毫米波辐射图像特征分析的意义    3
1.4 全文设计目标及编排    4
2.毫米波辐射成像研究    5
2.1辐射测量原理    5
2.2毫米波辐射成像系统    10
3.毫米波辐射图像的增强    13
3.1引言    13
3.2  空域变换增强    13
3.3 空域滤波增强    14
3.4 频域滤波增强    17
3.5 小波去噪    19
4.毫米波辐射图像的边缘特征提取    21
4.1引言    21
4.2 水面辐射特性分析    21
4.3图像的分割方法    22
4.4 边缘检测微分算子    24
结  论    30
致  谢    31
1  绪论
1.1  引言
毫米波辐射成像技术,其基本思路就是通过毫米波辐射计探测和接收目标物体的毫米波辐射能量,之后再经过硬件和软件等方式将接受转化的电压信号进行处理,再以伪彩色图像的形式进行显示,最后以此区分目标和其周围背景。由于毫米波辐射计成像技术的特点,它具备了很多的优点: 水面毫米波辐射图像特征分析与提取方法:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_26446.html