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时间:2018-08-15 10:12来源:毕业论文

关键词  目标检测; 图像结构; 人脸检测; 特征提取
Title    Image-based platform for object detection                  
Object detection is a vital part of image understanding. How to handle the variabilities in images is one of the most difficult problems that object detection has to suffer. As the inherent organization manners of objects , structures represent the internal relationships of an object as well as the contextual constraints with the object. Structures are also one kind of the most stable information in images. Therefore, structures  can offer great help in effectively dealing with the variabilities in images. This dissertation focuses on object detection based on image structures. The different object detection methods using different image structures are proposed according to different detection task. The main contain and innovations are summarized as follows. (1)An object detection approach based on sparse image structure learning.(2)A silhouette based detection approach.(3)A topological hierarchy based detection approach.(4)A shared structure learning based on detection approach. By learning these knowledge, we will make some experiments on the base of face.
Keywords Target direction ;Image structure; Face recognition; Feature extraction
目   次
1  引言    1
2目标检测方法概述    2
2.1基于局部特征的目标检测方法    2
2.2基于模板的目标检测方法    3
2.3基于知识的目标检测方法    3
3 目标检测在实际中的应用    5
3.1人脸检测方法综述    5
3.1.1基于知识的自顶向下的方法    5
3.1.2基于人脸特征的自底向上的方法    5
3.1.3模板匹配的方法    5
3.1.4基于人脸外观的方法    5
3.2基于肤色的人脸检测算法    6
3.2.1色彩空间与色彩空间的聚类    6
3.2.2肤色模型    6
3.2.3人脸区域分割    7
3.3人脸特征的检测    9
3.3.1候选特征的选取    10
3.3.2双眼和嘴巴的定位    10
3.3.3双眼和嘴巴的轮廓提取    11
3.4人脸检测与定位的实际应用    12
3.4.1人脸区域的检测    12
3.4.2实例展示    16
结  论    23
致  谢    24
1  引言
人们经过数十年坚持不懈的努力,逐渐使得机器有了“观察”的能力,并且在这方面的研究取得了较大的进展,但这离完美的解决问题还有很大的差距。在图像理解中,目标的检测和识别是该领域的核心之一。对于人们所密切关注的目标,人眼可以轻易的检测并识别出来,即便目标的外观和形状,譬如高度,宽度,颜色等发生了明显的变化,人们也能够正确的将它们检测出来,这就是人眼的厉害之处。然而对于机器来说,输入其中的数据倘若发生了最微小的变化,也会使得最后的结果完全不一样。因此,我们需要赋予机器一双“火眼金睛”,使得它能够识破图像的各种各样的变化,理解所观察对象的本质以及非本质特征。这样,才能使得机器能够自动地识别或者检测对象,且误判率大大降低。 基于图像的目标检测平台开发:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_21384.html