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时间:2018-05-31 20:37来源:毕业论文

关键词  动中通  伺服系统  MEMS惯导  光纤惯导
Title Investigation Report of  MEMS and fibre-optic inertial         
 navigation in the servo system of Satcom on the move                                        
This dissertation introduces Satcom on the move,servo system,MEMS inertial navigation system and fibre-optic inertial navigation system.It also outlines the history of their developments and analyses the huge importance today.Based on plenty of literature,the principles and functions of MEMS and fibre-optic inertial navigation systems are explained.Specially,the functions in Satcom on the move are discussed next.After these discussions,this paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of inertial navigation systems and summarizes some improvement measures.
Besides,this report analyzes the current situations about Satcom on the move at home and abroad.Some researches according to many companies working on MEMS inertial navigation system and fibre-optic inertial navigation system are done in it,analyses about their products are presented as well.
This paper generalizes the problems that our country need to solve,the technology should be improved and the trend of inertial navigation system in the future.It provides some advice about the development of INS as follow.
Keywords  Satcom on the move, servo system, MEMS inertial navigation system, fibre-optic inertial navigation
目  次
 1  引言    1
2  动中通的简单介绍    1
2.1  动中通的构成    1
2.1.1  伺服系统    1
2.1.2  通信链路    2
2.2  动中通的原理    2
2.3  动中通的作用    3
2.3.1  抢险救灾    3
2.3.2  重大活动安保和通信    3
2.3.3  反恐处突    3
2.4  动中通的优缺点    4
2.5  国内外的研究现状    4
3  惯导    5
3.1  惯导    5
3.2 捷联惯导    6
4  MEMS惯导    7
4.1  MEMS惯导简介    7
4.2  MEMS惯导的作用    8
4.3  MEMS惯导的原理    8
5  光纤惯导    9
5.1  光纤惯导简介    9
5.2  光纤惯导的作用    10
5.3  光纤惯导的原理    10
6  两种惯导在动中通伺服系统中的应用    11
6.1  MEMS惯导    11
6.2  光纤惯导    12
总结分析    13
致  谢    14
1  引言
随着社会的变革发展和科技的不断进步,卫星通信技术持续提高,卫星资源成本不断降低,我们对信息追求的增加,卫星通信技术在人们的生活中所占的比例也越来越大,动中通作为信息传播的重要桥梁也越来越为人所熟知和重视。动中通由于存在着可实现多点对多点、广播式应急网络通信等强大的优势,因此无论在军事和民事还是各种事件上都有着无与伦比的作用。比如军事上的无人机、军事通信、侦查和预警等,民用的移动电视直播或转播,气象上的天气预测,地质上的比如地震后的及时救灾、通信,还有地质勘探等等。这些应用无不给人们的生活带来巨大的影响,同时也驱动着动中通事业的不断发展和进步。 动中通伺服系统MEMS和光纤惯导的调研报告:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_16781.html