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时间:2021-05-05 21:26来源:毕业论文

摘  要:本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈调查法等研究方法对对上海市闵行区健身房私人教练员的发展情况展开调查。调查结果显示:上海市闵行区健身私人教练来源较多,大多是男性,且年龄大多在21到39岁,私人教练从业时间较长,经验相对丰富,但是参加专业性培训的次数较少,学历大多较低,持有私人教练资格证书,却缺少等级证书。本人认为可以扩大体育高校体育生在整个私人教练队伍中的比例,努力培养更多的女性健身私人教练,建立健全职业技能培训制度,增强健身私人教练的职业素质,科学管理健身私人教练资格证书制度。66814 

毕业论文关键词 :上海市闵行区;私人教练员;发展现状

Abstract:Fitness coaches in fitness clubs is to guide members trained staff, it is interactive, targeted features, and charge by the hour. Fitness coach, its most important function is to help customers access to health, fitness customers need scientific fitness guide, and in order to get the health of the body. Therefore, the fitness coach should have more professional human anatomy, physiology, medicine, nutrition and exercise skills and knowledge, in addition, also should know psychology. Because the manager must be able to communicate with customers, help to understand customer needs and provide.

The investigation in this paper, using the method of literature, questionnaire survey method, interview survey method and other research methods in Shanghai City, Minhang District development of private coaches in the gym. The survey results show that: Shanghai City, Minhang District private fitness coach more sources, mostly male, and mostly in the age 21 to 30 years old, working time is not long, in the professional training times are less, most of the lower degree, hold a private instructor qualifications, but the lack of holding certificate. The author thinks that can expand the sports college sports students in the proportion of the private coach team, and strive to cultivate more female private fitness coach occupation skill training, establish and perfect the system, strengthen private fitness coach occupation quality, scientific management of private fitness coach qualification system.

Key words :Fitness club;fitness; fitness instructor certificate;private coach

目   录

1  前言2

2  研究对象与方法2

2.1  研究对象2

2.2  研究方法2

2.2.1  文献资料法2

2.2.2  问卷调查法2

2.2.3  访谈法3

2.2.3  数理统计法3

3  结果与分析3

3.1  上海市闵行区健身房私人教练现状概述 3

3.1.1  上海市闵行区健身房私人教练性别与年龄3

3.1.2  上海市闵行区健身房私人教练的从业人群4  上海市闵行区健身房私人教练学历层次4  上海市闵行区健身房私人教练职业资格5

3.1.3  上海市闵行区健身房私人教练从业时间6

3.2  上海市闵行区健身俱乐部私人健身教练员职业培训与进修情况调查情况7

3.3 上海市闵行区8家健身房健身者对私人教练要求调查7




参考文献 10


1  前言

 20世纪90年代,我国居民用于运动健身方面的消费支出越来越多,运动休闲消费增长迅速,人民的健康意识也逐渐提升,“花钱买健康”已然成为一种时尚。健身房是我国体育产业的重要组成部分,人民可以在健身房享受优质的健身服务。1999年,健身行业出现了“个性化健身消费”的需求,催生了私人健身教练职业的出现,并逐渐成为健身房的支柱。现在,私人健身教练的从业者人数逐渐增加,私人教练队伍不断壮大。但是,由于行业准入条件较低,健身私人教练的发展出现了很多问题,比如私人健身教练的质量较差,行业混乱问题等。上海市闵行区健身房事业发展较快,私人健身教练的数量也很多,但是也存在很多问题,很多消费者反映自己花费重金聘请私人教练,指导自己健身问题,但是其效果却较差。因此,研究分析国内健身房私人教练发展问题是非常必要的。论文网 上海市闵行区健身房私人教练员发展现状的研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_74844.html
