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时间:2020-11-27 17:10来源:毕业论文
摘 要:第30届伦敦奥运会男篮比赛以美国队夺冠而结束,经过小组赛的5场比赛,中国男篮结果是以0胜5负的战绩,结束了本届奥运会男篮比赛。从比赛可以看出中国男篮与世界强队的差

摘 要:第30届伦敦奥运会男篮比赛以美国队夺冠而结束,经过小组赛的5场比赛,中国男篮结果是以0胜5负的战绩,结束了本届奥运会男篮比赛。从比赛可以看出中国男篮与世界强队的差距很明显,中国男篮的失利,原因是多方面的,差距更是全方位的。特别是后卫球员,是全队最为薄弱的环节,使中国男篮整体技战术水平不能充分地发挥。60026











Abstract: The 30th London Olympic Games men's basketball team won in the United States and the end of the game, after the group of five games, the Chinese men's basketball team the result is 0-5, ended the Olympic men's basketball game. Can be seen from the race gap between Chinese men's basketball team and the world's elite, obviously, the Chinese men's basketball team, there are a variety of reasons, the gap is more comprehensive. Especially the defender, is the most weak link, the team makes the whole of China men's basketball team tactics level can not fully play. 

    Defenders is interconnected hub between players in the game, is offensive and defensive focus, Is the rhythm of the team transition "regulator", in a certain extent defenders can be said to be the whole team Soul, guard team offensive and defensive ability strong and the weak is also decided one of the key factors in the team competition. 

    In this paper, the Chinese men's basketball team defender players at the London Olympic Games, with rival defenders in the game attack index comparison, find out the gap and put forward the feasible opinion and the suggestion, for the Chinese men's basketball team defender players in training and competition to provide the beneficial reference. This research adopts literature, video recording, statistics, logic analysis and other research methods, the London Olympic Games China men's basketball team defender team carried out a statistical analysis on the technique index, the main results were as follows: 

   1. The Chinese men's basketball team defender is not solid basic skills, physical aspects at a disadvantage. 

   2. The defender is facing in the defensive opponent of high strength, the defender will be affected by a lot of organizational skills. 

   3. The little offensive awareness, launch, promote and end stage with rival defender has a certain gap, especially in the end stage of effective to deal with the ball.  中国男篮后卫与世界强队后卫临场对比分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_65374.html
