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时间:2019-07-26 11:23来源:毕业论文

 Research on the Current Situation of Rural Kindergarten Martial Arts Activities
Abstract:Martial arts is a child care health education component. In early childhood, Taking part in some scientific and reasonable martial arts activities, not only can enhance children's physical quality, but also exercise their will and get their intelligence improved. Therefore, martial arts is of great significance for children’s physical and mental development. In view of this, this article use the observation method and literature method to investigate the current situation of martial arts in the J kindergarten of ZhuXian Town in Kaifeng, which mainly from the following aspects: the activities content, the activities method and the process. And detailed analysis of the present situation of rural kindergarten system of martial arts has been conducted, and the existing several problems are found. On this basis, some improvement suggestions are put forward to improve the situation: the teachers' understanding of the value of martial arts activities; the martial arts activities should be in accord with the characteristics both in physical and mental development of children; carry out a variety of martial arts activities in kindergarten; ensure the safety of children when then take part in martial arts activities.
Keywords: rural kindergarten;martial arts;educational suggestions
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、武术活动概述    2
(一)武术活动    2
(二)武术活动的形式和内容    2
(三)武术活动的目标    3
二、农村幼儿园武术活动的现状    3
(一)农村幼儿园武术活动的现状    3
(二)农村幼儿园武术活动的现状所存在的问题和原因分析    5
三、改善农村幼儿园武术活动开展的建议    7
(一)教师充分认识武术活动的价值    8
(二)武术活动内容要符合幼儿的身心发展特点    8
(三)开展丰富多样的武术活动    8
(四)保障武术活动中幼儿的安全    9
参考文献    10
附录    11
致谢    12
随着中国教育事业的快速发展,人们对学前教育也有了新的认识,也通过各种方法提高幼儿园的教育质量、完善幼儿园的硬件设施,来更好的促进幼儿的身心发展。2001年7月2日,教育部颁发的《幼儿园教育指导刚要(试行)》中健康领域的内容和要求中指出:注重培养幼儿参加体育活动的兴趣和习惯,又要增强幼儿的体质;活动开展方式要切合幼儿的兴趣,对幼儿协调性和灵活性进行培养。幼儿武术课的开设不仅丰富了幼儿的活动内容,增强幼儿体魄,同时还培养了幼儿勤动手、勤动脑、吃苦耐劳的性格特点,促进其身心健康、全面发展;因次,武术教育在幼儿园受到了高度的重视,正逐渐成为幼儿园正常教学的一个重要内容[1]。 农村幼儿园武术活动的现状研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_36352.html