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时间:2019-06-10 19:58来源:毕业论文

摘  要:为使周口市农村小学学校的体育设施得到进一步完善,本文运用了问卷调查、访谈等方法,对周口市农村地区部分小学学校体育场地与器材设施的现状进行较全面的调查,分析原因,研究对策。结果表明:周口市农村小学的体育场地设施及相关配备及其匮乏严重影响了体育教学质量,而造成这种情况的主要因素就是学校对体育学科重视不够。根据调查结果提出了建议:利用排课、集体备课、自制器材等方式,加强学校领导和各教育领导部门对体育的重视程度,加大体育经费的投入。试图为农村学校体育改革提供一定的借鉴。36165
毕业论文关键词:农村小学; 体育设施; 现状;周口市
Investigation on Current Situation of School Sports Facilities in Rural Primary School in Zhoukou City
    Abstract:In this paper,the method of questionnaire and interview are applied to make overall investigation into the current situation of sports ground and facilities,and on the basis of analyzing causes of this situation,some countermeasures will be got to further improve sports facilities in rural primary schools in Zhoukou City. The results have demonstrated that sports grounds and the lack of equipment has seriously affected physical education for the reason that little attention is attached to Physical Education in these schools.In accordance with those results,some suggestions are put forward to solve these problemsuch as making school leaders and education departments pay more attention to Physical Eduaction and invest more funds in this discipline in the method of arranging course,collective lesson preparation,self-made equipment,and so on,then strive to provide reference for Physical Education reform in rural primary school.
    Key words:Rural primary school;The sports facilities;Current situtation;Zhoukou city
目    录

摘  要    1
引言    2
1.研究对象与方法    2
1.1研究对象    2
1.2研究方法    2
2.结果与分析    3
2.1 周口市农村小学学校体育设施现状    3
2.2 影响周口市农村小学学校体育设施建设的因素    5
3.结论与建议    6
3.1结论    6
3.2建议    7
参考文献    8
附录    9
致谢    11
据调查显示,农村中小学学校占全国中小学总数的89%,学生人数占总数的74%。因此, 农村学校体育对全国学校体育的发展具有重要的意义。现在农村开展学校体育工作不是很顺利,首先农村学校体育课不讲求质量,甚至有些学校没有开与体育相关的课程。场地器材的匮乏是其主要原因。为此, 我们对周口农村小学的体育设施现状进行了调查。周口市是农业大市, 农村学校占多数, 对该地区的学校体育现状进行分析、研究, 找出对策, 无疑对推动同类型地区农村小学的学校体育改革有着积极的意义。 农村小学学校体育设施现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_34508.html