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时间:2018-09-17 20:45来源:毕业论文

Shenqiu bian intersection township second junior high school recess to carry out the investigation
Abstract: This article USES the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, research methods, such as to shenqiu "bian intersection township second large recess in the junior high school physical education to related research, through the investigation concluded: big recess content is relatively single, lack of innovation, organization content is given priority to with collective radio gymnastics and running, school area is lesser, disrepair, lack of maintenance, pose a safety hazard, can guarantee the use of safe, school leadership, teachers' organization and management is not tight, enthusiasm is not enough, teachers equipped with insufficient, lack of management and organization, student activities to develop their own order. According to carry out the problems existing in the process for shenqiu "bian intersection township second junior high school according to the sports big recess in order to provide reference.
Keywords: Content; Organizations; Sports big recess
摘要:    1
引言    2
1.研究对象与方法    2
1.1 研究对象    2
1.2 研究方法    2
2.结果与分析    3
2.1各年级参与情况    3
2.2场地设施调查    3
   2.3课间活动内容的调查    4
2.4学生参加大课间态度调查    4
2.5校领导对大课间的重视度    5
3.结论与建议    5
3.1结论    5
3.2建议    6
参考文献    7
附录    8
致谢    11
体育大课间活动是一种新的学校体育活动组织形式,它能有效地缓解学生的压力,提高学生的体质,促进学生全面的发展。体育大课间活动内容丰富,组织形式灵活多变,练习强度适中,能最大程度满足学生的需要,而且活动不要求正规的体育场地器材。沈丘县卞路口乡位于沈丘县的东北方向,人口数约有6.6万人,卞路口第二初级中学占地面积25亩,现有教师31人,现有学生360人,班级11个,根据上级主管部门的要求,学校开展体育大课间活动,通过开展体育大课间活动,不仅使学生在学习之余得到放松,也能弥补体育锻炼时间不足的问题。同时也激发学生锻炼的积极性,使学生能在操场上体验体育活动的乐趣,调动师生积极性,展现良好的精神面貌,推动学校教育的良性发展,为学校增添体育运动的活力。同时也为了促进学生综合素质的提高与发展,德智体全面发展,充分发挥学生的主体性,激发学生对体育运动的兴趣,培养学生的良好体育锻炼习惯,为终身体育打下坚实的基础。本研究对卞路口乡第二初级中学大课间体育活动做深入调查,对影响实施的因素进行分析并提出参考性对策,希望促进沈丘县卞路口乡第二初级中学体育大课间的顺利提供依据。 乡村初中学体育大课间开展现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_23116.html