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时间:2020-08-05 21:13来源:毕业论文

摘  要 :在数学教学活动中,家庭作业是课堂教学的延续,家庭作业能够反馈学生课堂学习效果、巩固学生课堂知识。这就要求我们从学生实际出发,根据教材教学的内容和学生的特点,有针对性地设计人性化的、符合小学生年龄特点的、有助于学生巩固知识的数学家庭作业。这就要求我们采取多元的作业形式、开放的作业内容、高效的作业策略,促进学生整体知识的优化和提高。因此教师必须根据学生的实际特点灵活地布置家庭作业。总之,作业的设计要为每一个学生提供思考、创造、表现和成功的机会,给优秀生增加压力,让学困生看到希望,使第一学生都积极投入到学习当中去,成为学习的成功者。53575

毕业论文关 键 词 :小学生, 数学, 家庭作业 ,兴趣,调查研究

Abstract:In elementary school mathematics teaching activities, homework is a continuation of classroom teaching, homework can be a feedback effect of students 'classroom learning to consolidate students' classroom knowledge. This requires us from the reality of students, according to the content of teaching materials and student characteristics, targeted to design user-friendly, in line with the characteristics of primary school ages, help students consolidate the knowledge of math homework. This requires us to take the form of perse jobs, jobs open content, and efficient operation strategies to promote students' overall knowledge of optimization and improvement. Therefore, teachers must be flexible homework based on the actual characteristics of the students. In short, the design work to be provided for each student to think, create, express, and the chances of success, to increase the pressure on outstanding student, so that students with learning difficulties to see the hope that every student actively involved in the study were to become learning winner. 

Keywords: primary school student, math, homework, interests, research

目  录

1  引言 3

2  研究方法 3

2.1  问卷调查 3

2.2  访谈调查 3

3  小学生家庭作业情况的调查分析 4

3.1 家庭作业负担情况分析 4

3.2  家庭作业难度情况分析 5

3.3  家庭作业布置的内容分析 5

3.3.1小学数学家庭作业内容来源情况分析 5

3.3.2小学数学家庭作业重复现象调查分析 7

3.4 小学数学家庭作业形式调查分析 7

4  小学生数学家庭作业中存在的问题 8

4.1 家庭作业负担重,作业量大 8

4.2 难度设置不清,无层次,机械重复训练现象广泛存在 8

4.3 家庭作业形式单一,操作性、合作性作业匮乏 9

5  解决问题的策略与建议 9

5.1让数学家庭作业在数量上力求精简、凸显层次 9

5.2 让数学家庭作业在内容上新颖独特、贴近生活 9

5.3 让数学家庭作业在形式上多元化、充满乐趣 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 小学数学家庭作业调查研究:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_57712.html
