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时间:2020-07-03 16:57来源:毕业论文


Application of game theory in everyday life is very common, people always intentionally or unintentionally use the game theory. This article first conducted a brief understanding of operation research and naturally exported game theory. At the same time, this article also cited two classic example of game theory and applied game theory to concrete typical examples to hope that people can learn more about game theory and apply to life, to link theory with practice. Finally, this article investigated the development situation of game theory in China that understanded the limitations of game theory in the development of China and put forward some suggestions to hope that game theory can develop better in China.

毕业论文关键词: 运筹学; 博弈论; 囚徒困境; 智猪博弈; 发展 

Keyword:  Operational Research; Game Theory; Prisoner's Dilemma; Pigs’ payoffs; development


引言 4

第1章 简述运筹学 5

1.1古代中国的运筹典故 5

1.1.1田忌赛马 5

1.2 运筹学学科的发展 5

1.3 运筹学主要研究内容 6

1.3.1线性规划 6

1.3.2 非线性规划 6

1.3.3 动态规划 6

1.3.4 图与网络分析 6

1.3.5 排队论 7

1.3.6存贮论 7

1.3.7决策论 7

1.3.8博弈论 7

第2章 关于博弈论 7

2.1 博弈论的概念 7

2.2 博弈要素 8

2.2.1 局中人 8

2.2.2 策略 8

2.2.3 得失 9

2.2.4 结果 9

2.2.5 均衡 9

2.3 博弈的类型 9

2.3.1 二人博弈和多人博弈 9

2.3.2合作博弈和非合作博弈 9

2.3.3 零和博弈、常和博弈与变和博弈 9

2.3.4 静态博弈和动态博弈 10

2.3.5 完全信息博弈和不完全信息博弈 10

2.4 发展概况 10

第3章 常见实例中的博弈思想 10

3.1 囚徒困境 10

3.2 智猪博弈 12

第四章 博弈论应用实例 13

4.1 学生考试作弊困境 13

4.2 和颐酒店 运筹学在实际生活中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_55756.html
