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时间:2020-07-03 16:12来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:命题研究; 解题能力; 数学思维。

Abstract The form of inequality to choose and fill in the blanks or answer questions such as, and function, axes, graphics and other content are combined together. Inequality of the teaching throughout the entire junior high school, is an important test in mathematics content, but also after high school, college mathematics, an important foundation. Based on throughout the calendar year inequality questions and methods and all over the country and Zhejiang Province to test the propositions of mathematics study, specific analytic inequalities, study to test the possible inequality, some questions, and further improve the level of teaching, cultivate with mathematical thinking of students.

Summarize the meaning and the characteristics of the questions from each province questions over the years, and then analyze solve inequality problems that may be encountered all kinds of errors, and sums up the solution and improve the students' ability of solving problems. Teachers should pay more attention to inequality model problem is important, and has the flavor of the times and questions of inequality in creative practice.Summarize the meaning and the characteristics of the questions from each province questions over the years, and then analyze solve inequality problems that may be encountered all kinds of errors, and sums up the solution and improve the students' ability of solving problems. Teachers should pay close attention to the inequality of new questions and choose something with the actual combined with the spirit of the times, the inequality questions for training. In mathematics teaching, the known results in the topic, also known as the title, because it for students, and the problems faced by the mathematician scene is similar and the nature is the same, this time the math is: to achieve the teaching objectives and requirements of teachers and students to answer question system.

Keyword:  Proposition research; Problem solving ability; Mathematical thinking.


第一章 绪论 6

1.1 研究的目的 6

1.2全国中考不等式命题要求 6

1.3 研究的方法 6

1.3.1研究方法 6

第六章 结论 20

6.1 研究结论 20

6.2 不足与展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的

如何让学生在考试中正确解答不等式题目是教学的重点,而且不等式的教学及解题技巧不等式题型是初中数学的重要内容。以下几种方法:估值法、配方法、分类讨论法、数形结合法、放缩法等,是不等式的解题中主要几种,不等式的基本性质:不等式两边同时乘以除以同一个正数不等号方向不变;不等式两边同时乘以或除以同一个负数不等号方向不变;不等式两边同时加上或减去同一个数或整式,不等号方向不变。如,数形结合法求解不等式经常用到的方法。数形结合法可以形象的将不等式所给的条件以直观的几何图形表达出来,解题时不会遗忘关键条件,并达到形象、巧妙等效果。二、通过对全国中考数学不等式历年题型和方法等研究,浙江省可以取长补短,取其精华,去其槽粕,为以后中考数学不等式命题提供建议  浙江省与全国中考数学历年不等式题型与方法差异化研究:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_55735.html
