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时间:2020-03-21 22:56来源:毕业论文


  Correct propositions have strict derivation process, and to overthrow the false

proposition tectonic counterexample is indispensable, but also effective. Counter -example to let students understanding of the concept, theorem, formula more comp-

rehensive and more thorough. It in helping the students to discover, to understand the nature of the mathematical concept attribute mathematical truth and to deepen the understanding of mathematics knowledge has a great effect, at the same time also can cultivate the students' ability of dialectical thinking ability, etc. In mathematics teaching teachers should often used intermittently,students in mathematics learning should be raised by the cases of the consciousness of problem solving. In mathematics teaching learning example application will not fade out in our daily life, on the contrary it will be more thorough. In the middle school mathematics teaching, the case of use has become an important means to improve the teaching quality.

毕业论文关键词:反例; 中学数学; 命题; 作用

Key words: counter example; Middle school mathematics; Proposition; role

目  录

一、引言 4

二、中学数学教学中的典型反例 5

(一)、概念教学中的反例 5

(二)、命题教学中的反例 5

(三)、解题教学中的反例 5

三、反例在中学数学教学中的特点及要求 6

(一)、中学数学教学中反例的特点 6

1、反例的精炼性 6

2、反例的典型性 7

3、反例的针对性 7

4、反例的系统 7

(二)、反例教学设计的要求 7

四、反例在中学数学教学中的作用 8

(一)、能深化学生对知识的理解 8

(二)、能培养学生思维的科学性与严密性 8

(三)、能发展学生的综合分析能力和创造力 9

(四)、能培养学生探究能力和批判思维能力 10

(五)、能否定谬误,优化解题过程 11

五、运用反例时应当注意的问题 12

(一)、要在适当时候讲授反例 12

(二)、要注意反例逐层深入性 12

(三)、要注意所用反例符合学生的实际 13

(四)、要注意运用反例组织教学时形式的多样性 13 反例在中学数学教学中的作用:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_48631.html
