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时间:2019-10-06 16:36来源:毕业论文

关键词  随机过程 泊松过程 随机数 更新过程 仿真
Title    Numerical analysis and simulation about the character of the renewal process and alternative renewal process                    
In real life, stochasticprocess has been widely used in many fields such as weather forecasting, statistical physics, astrophysics, operational decision-making, economic mathematics, safety science, population theory, reliability, and computer science, which have frequently used the stochastic process theory to establish the mathematical model. Therefore, we need to understand the stochastic process better and deeper
As the theory and application of the renewal process occupy an important position in stochasticprocess,in this paper, renewal process is mainly discussed. First, we give the classification of stochastic processes and its application background, then give the character and statistical analysis of the Poisson process, the method for generating random numbers which follow the exponential distribution, and gain the simulation of the sample orbits. Furthermore, we introduce the renewal process. Finally, we analyze the alternative renewal process, and also get the sample orbits by MATLAB. Through this paper, we can learn more about the theory and application of renewal process.
Keywords  stochastic process  Poisson process  random numbers  renewal process  simulation
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题的研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
2 随机过程的基本概念    1
2.1 随机过程的概念与举例    2
2.2随机过程的数字特征及有限文分布函数族    2
2.3随机过程的分类    2
3 泊松过程及更新过程    4
3.1 泊松过程的定义    4
3.2 泊松过程的性质    6
3.3 泊松过程的统计分析    6
3.4  更新过程    7
4更新过程的模拟、检验及参数估计    10
4.1更新时间间隔服从指数分布的更新过程的模拟、检验及参数估计    10
4.2更新时间间隔服从对数正态分布的更新过程模拟、检验与参数估计    22
4.3  更新时间间隔服从均匀分布的更新过程模拟、检验与参数估计    27
4.4 交替更新过程的模拟、检验与参数估计    33
结  论    40
致  谢    40
 1 绪论
1.1 课题的研究背景及意义
随机过程即是随着时间推进的随机现象的一种数学抽象。例如,某地第n年的年降水量X_n由于受到许多随机因素的影响,而它本身具有随机性,因此{X_n,n=1,2,…}便是一个随机过程。类似,森林中某种动物的数量,液体中受分子碰撞而产生布朗运动的粒子位置,百货公司每天的到来顾客数,等等,都是随时间变化而形成随机过程。严格的说,现实生活中大多数过程都具有不同程度的随机性。气体分子运动时,由于相互碰撞等原因迅速改变自己的位置和速度,其运动的过程是随机的。人们想要知道,运动轨道有什么性质(是否连续、可微等等),分子从一点出发能达到某区域的概率到底有多大,如果有两类分子同时运动,两者由于扩散而互相渗透,那么扩散是如何进行的,要经过多久混合才会变得均匀.又如,在一定时间段内,放射性物质中有多少原子会分裂或者转化,电话交换台将收到多少次呼唤,机器将会出现多少次故障,物价将如何波动,这些实际问题的数学抽象为随机过程论提供了研究的课题。 更新过程交替更新过程模拟实现及其性质的数值分析:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_40379.html