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时间:2019-05-15 13:04来源:毕业论文

The Study of Math Oral Arithmetic Teaching Problems in the First Primary Stage
——the LiLing Hope Primary School of Dongxin District
Abstract: The first stage is an important phase for primary students, they prepare themselves for bigger tasks, in learning math, oral arithmetic ability is not only the demand of new curriculum standards, but also very helpful in their daily life. At present, the studies of oral arithmetic teaching are relatively all-sided, but still exist a number of shortages. Under this circumstance, this paper is based on consulting literature, observing class and interviewing math teachers of the first stage, it shows the importance of oral arithmetic teaching, what the new curriculum standards requests for students and teachers of the first stage in oral arithmetic teaching firstly, and then point out the problems exist in oral arithmetic teaching’s goal designing, training process and evaluation ways. By means of observing and interviewing, this paper analyses reasons caused by teachers and students. In the end, this paper suggests valuing oral arithmetic teaching enough, pay attention to explain calculation principle, emphasize learning interests, notice the ways of evaluating, strengthen oral arithmetic practice, etc.
Keywords: Primary mathematics; Oral arithmetic teaching; Oral arithmetic ability
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、口算教学的重要性    2
二、 新课标对小学低段学生数学口算能力及口算教学的要求    3
(一)新课标对小学低段学生数学口算能力的要求    3
(二)新课标对小学低段数学口算教学的要求    3
三、小学低段数学口算教学存在的问题    3
(一)口算教学目标预设易忽视,难以体现课标要求    3
(二)口算教学多重复训练,缺失算理讲解    3
(三)口算教学评价方式单一,很难调动学生学习的积极性    4
四、小学低段口算教学存在问题的成因分析    5
(一)教师方面    5
(二)学生方面    5
五、提高小学低段口算教学的建议    6
(一)充分认识小学低段口算教学的重要性    6
(二)注重算理的讲解    6
(三)注重口算教学的趣性,激发学生学习兴趣    7
(四)运用多样化的评价方式激励学生    7
(五)持之以恒,加强练习,逐步提升学生的口算能力    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10
口算,是指不借助于纸笔等任何工具,仅在头脑中运行运算过程并得出计算结果的计算方式,也叫心算。口算能力是小学生数学学习的基础能力之一,是今后笔算能力、简算能力、估算能力形成的基础。拥有良好的口算能力,对于学生解决日常生活中简单的数学问题有很大帮助。通过文献查阅,梳理后发现,目前小学低年级数学口算教学研究侧重研究对策或策略,问题、成因涉及到的较少。目前口算教学研究指出口算教学存在着对口算教学普遍不够重视,有的只是在课堂中一带而过,没有开设单独的口算教学[1];口算教学的方法古板,没有体现出口算教学的灵活性[2],等问题。正是基于文献资料的整理和分析,加上教育实习时对此问题的关注和体会,所以本研究着重通过观察、访谈来了解小学低年级口算教学存在的问题、成因,并提出相应的解决策略,以期为一线教学提供一些参考。 小学低段数学口算教学问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_33304.html