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时间:2020-08-18 15:38来源:毕业论文
本试验研究了不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷在非冷害低温(7.5±0.5) ℃和0.02mm PE包装贮藏条件下部分品质指标的变化情况,结果表明:与2个对照(0.8% CaCl2、清水处理)、50mg/L和150mg/L ClO

摘 要:微生物引起的腐烂是枇杷贮藏过程中面对的主要问题之一,而二氧化氯(ClO2)被公认为一种安全、高效、廉价的“绿色”防腐剂。本试验研究了不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷在非冷害低温(7.5±0.5) ℃和0.02mm PE包装贮藏条件下部分品质指标的变化情况,结果表明:与2个对照(0.8% CaCl2、清水处理)、50mg/L和150mg/L ClO2处理相比,100mg/L ClO2结合0.8% CaCl2复合处理能显著抑制枇杷腐烂指数和硬度的上升,有效阻延可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和维生素C含量的降低,贮藏25d时果实外观和风品质良好,表明100mg/L ClO2结合0.8% CaCl2复合处理是一种有效、安全、经济的枇杷保鲜实用技术。54351


Anticorrosion and Quality Preservation of Chlorine Dioxide Combined with Calcium Treatments on Loquat Fruit

Abstract: Decay caused by microorganisms is one of the major problems facing in the process of loquat storage, and ClO2 is recognized as a safe, efficient, inexpensive "green" preservatives. This experiment studied the ClO2 combined with different concentrations of calcium treatment on loquat in the chilling injury at low temperature (7.5 + 0.5) ℃ and 0.02 mm PE packaging storage conditions under the effect of part of the quality indicators. The results show that: with two controls (0.8% CaCl2, water treatment), 50 mg/L, and 150 mg/L ClO2 treatment, compared to 100 mg/L ClO2 combined with 0.8% CaCl2 composite treatment could inhibit the loquat decay index and higher hardness, effectively prevent soluble solids, titratable acid and vitamin C content, to reduce the storage when 25d fruit’s appearance and good flavor, shows that 100 mg/L ClO2 combined with 0.8% CaCl2 composite treatment is an effective, safe and economic loquat fresh practical technology.

Keywords: Loquat, Chlorine dioxide, Calcium treatment, Storage and fresh-keeping, Quality

目  录

前言 4

1 材料与方法 4

1.1 试验材料 4

1.2 试验设计与处理 4

1.3 检测指标与方法 5

1.3.1 果实腐烂指数 5

1.3.2果肉硬度 5

1.3.3 可溶性固形物含量 5

1.3.4 维生素C含量测定 5

1.3.5 可滴定酸含量测定 5

1.4 数据处理 6

2 结果与分析 6

2.1 不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷腐烂指数的影响 6

2.2 不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷硬度的影响 6

2.3 不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷可溶性固形物的影响 7

2.4 不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷可滴定酸的影响 7

2.5 不同浓度ClO2结合钙处理对枇杷Vc含量的影响 8

3 讨论 8

结  论 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 13


‘冠玉’枇杷是江苏省太湖常绿果树研究中心通过自然实生变异选育(1995年通过审定)的大果、优质、晚熟白沙枇杷鲜食优良品种[1],但耐贮性较差,成熟期集中在夏季5月下旬至6月上旬,采后室温下贮存1周常发生腐烂和变质,致使损失率高、供应期短。以炭疽菌为主的微生物是造成枇杷果实腐烂的主因[2],1~6℃低温贮藏虽能抑制果实腐烂的发生,但会出现果肉褐变、果皮难剥离、出汁率减少等冷害不良现象[3-5]。因此在非冷害低温贮藏条件下探寻安全、有效、经济的防腐保鲜剂仍是解决枇杷贮藏保鲜问题的关键技术之一。 二氧化氯结合钙处理对枇杷防腐与品质保鲜作用研究:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_58554.html
