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时间:2021-05-28 23:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Rape bee pollen, as a common health care product, contains many nutrients, like proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. It has many medical effects, like reducing blood glucose and lipid, regulating immunity, inhibiting tumor, and antioxidant. There are a variety of bee pollens, among which Rape bee pollen is the most common. It is also common that Rape bee pollen is used as food additive in expensive bee pollen products to reduce the costs. This paper takes Rape bee pollen as the material for experiment to compare the effects of high salt method, CTAB method and improved SDS method to extract DNA from Rape bee pollen, and would use PCR to detect Rape endogenous gene PEP. The results show that all 3 methods can extract highly purified DNA and successfully amplify PEP gene. High salt method is easier and can extract more purified DNA, so it is the better method. This research aims to provide technical reference for quality testing of bee pollen products.

Keyword: Rape bee pollen, DNA extraction, PCR

目  录

1  前言 3

1.1  油菜蜂花粉 3

1.2  油菜蜂花粉功效 4

1.3  DNA常用提取方法 5

1.4  本研究的目的与意义 6

2  材料、仪器及方法 7

2.1  实验材料 7

2.2  主要试剂 8

2.3  主要实验仪器 8

2.4  实验方法 9

2.4.1  提取液的配制 9

2.4.2  DNA提取 9

2.4.3 DNA检测 10

3实验结果 11

3.1DNA产率 11

3.2 DNA质量 12

3.3提取效率 13

4讨论 13

小结 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18

1  前  言


油菜(Brassica CampestrisL.),十字花科芸苔属植物,是我国主要的蜜源植物.。油菜蜂花粉是工蜂从油菜花的花药内所采集的花粉粒,在采集过程中蜜蜂向其内部注入花蜜和唾液后形成的不规则扁圆形团状物。花粉是有花植物雄蕊中的雄性生殖细胞,它不仅携带着生命的遗传信息,而且包含着孕育新生命所必需的全部营养物质,是植物传宗接代的根本,热能的源泉[1]。目前已知油菜蜂花粉中含有的丰富的蛋白质,氨基酸,维生素,常量和微量元素,酶和辅酶,以及多种有机酸、不饱和脂肪酸、黄酮类、激素等,是种高蛋白低脂肪的营养保健食品。油菜蜂花粉具有独特的天然保健作用与医疗及美容价值,被越来越多的人所认识,被誉为“全能的营养食品”“浓缩的天然药库”等,是人类天然食品中的瑰宝。 油菜蜂花粉3种DNA提取方法的比较研究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_75841.html
