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时间:2020-10-02 20:36来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Downy mildew is one of the common deterioration problems of greenhouse cucumber. In this study, we experiment with Sunlight greenhouses in Huaiyin district DingJi NiangZhuang village, to survey Microbial agents (HY-6) prevention and cure effect of downy mildew in the field. During March 20th to April 10, spraying diluted 100 times more bacteria agent (HY-6) twice. On April 14th began to investigate three not applying pesticide greenhouses and three applying pesticide greenhouses. Each greenhouses choose 20 strains plants, then we select five mature leaves from the top of these plants to survey diseases, survey once every seven day, all three times, to record the diseases of every piece of leaf. Survey found that in the three not applying pesticide greenhouses the disease severity of cucumber is between 31.2% and 34.7%, but in three applying pesticide greenhouses the disease severity is between 16.2% and 26.4%. By comparing the results, it indicates that microbial agents (HY-6) can control downy mildew effectively.

Key words: cucumber downy mildew, microbial agent, survey 


1 前言 5

1.1 霜霉病发生 5

1.1 .1病原 5

1.1.2 发生条件 5

1.1.3 棚内相对湿度 5

1.1.4 棚内温度 6

1.1.5病发症状 6

1.2 防治方法 6

1.2.1 选用抗病品种 6

1.2.2 栽培方式 6

1.2.3 化学防治 6

1.2.4 物理防治 7

1.2.5 生物防治 7

2 材料与方法 8

2.1 实验材料 8

2.2 严重程度 8

3 结果 9

4 讨论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

1 前言

黄瓜,英文名字Cucumber,也称胡瓜、青瓜,葫芦科甜瓜属植物,全国范围都有广泛种植。黄瓜甘,甜、性凉、苦、无毒,具有除湿、利尿、降脂、镇痛、促消化的功效;同时也有抗肿瘤、抗衰老、减肥强体健、脑安神、防止酒精中毒、降低血糖等药用价值。黄瓜病害较多,对产量、品质影响较大的有疫病、霜霉病、枯萎病、炭疽病、白粉病等。霜霉病又以气流传播,侵染频繁、潜伏期短、游行性强等特点危害日益严重。黄瓜霜霉病是由黄瓜霜霉病菌(Pseudoperonospora cubensis)引起的侵染性病害,在我国各地都有发生,尤以多雨潮湿环境发病严重,易流行,危害大[1]。根据生产调查, 一般田块株发病率达10%~30%,严重发病田块的株发病率高达50%,甚至绝收, 给广大种植户造了很大的损失[2]。霜霉病的药物防治效果不明显且用工多。 微生物菌剂抑制温室黄瓜霜霉病效果调查:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_62257.html
