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时间:2020-05-30 09:26来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:近自然绿地   灌木地被    城市绿地系统    配置方式   效益 

With the continuous development of society and the intensification of industrialization, urban green space system is playing a more and more important role in the development of the society. But most of the modern urban green space planning model is a combination of rules, lacking of natural interest, but also increased a lot of maintenance costs. Today, a close to nature landscape is quietly infiltrated into the urban green space system. Garden green space system a kind of close to nature, through the scientific allocation of plants in order to achieve a low conservation, ecological and organic and has a good ecological benefits, but also to take into account the landscape and social benefits. This paper mainly describes the application of the natural green space system in the urban area (mainly in Shanghai as an example) and the application of the shrub land in the green space and the configuration mode. Through the investigation and study, and the use of basic theory, large amounts of data query, we can form to make final summary of the suitable for local development in Shanghai close to natural landscape for shrub land layer with planting methods, and summarizes the close to nature landscape in the operation of the city in general rules and methods, this article as a practical guide. 

Key words: Close to nature landscape   Shrub land   Urban green space system    Collocation method    Benefit




近两年来上海,北京以及其他中国的大城市雾霾严重论文网,由于雾霾导致的疾病以及生态问题更是迫在眉睫。同时,21世纪以来,随着人类社会进入后工业化,一些大工厂废气的排放,车辆尾气的排放,都在加剧着空气质量问题和雾霾的形成。早在上个世纪,一些西方较为发达的国家就经历我国此时遇到的种种问题,人们便从这些经验教训中认识到城市绿地中的植被除了观赏,游憩,休闲功能之外还可以不断净化城市中的空气质量指标,避免城市热岛效应的形成,改善城市生态环境,使居民更加身心健康的功能。因此,城市近自然绿地的建设,以及绿地中各种植被的作用被摆在越来越重要的地位。人们意识到,城市绿地有着维持城市生物多样性,实现城市生态可持续发展,提高空气质量都有着重要的作用。所以,包括中国在内的世界其他国家也正为促进节能减排,应对城市发展气候改变,做出了一系列的改进方案。而在追求和发展城市近自然绿地生态系统模式的进程中,人们不再满足于规整式,高养护,单一枯燥的植物配植模式。在对城市近自然绿地的建设过程中不断反思,由此提出近自然式的城市绿地生态系统。 近自然绿地中近自然灌木地被层配置模式研究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_53214.html
