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时间:2019-09-25 19:15来源:毕业论文

Characteristics of the Flowers and Fruit of Salix babylonica in Form and Composition
Abstract: In order to better understand the morpho-anatomical characteristics of Salix babylonica reproductive organs, and add references to the biological researches such as pollination of Salix babylonica or Salicaceae. Under the stereomicroscope and the microscope with paraffin section, The author observed the morphological compositon and development of Salix babylonica flowers and young fruit, especially the origin of the glands and the seed hair. The results showed that Salix babylonica is dioecious, and the male inflorescece belongs to an amentum and the female a spike. There is a pale yellow sheet body interior to the ovary of the female flower, a rod-like body separately interior and exterior to the stamens of the male flowers. The pale yellow sheet or 
rod-like body is with a secretion droplet and with dense cytoplasm, which indicates that it is a gland, but without any vascular bundle. There are four inflate zones including water tissue consisting larger parenchymatous cells at the upper part of the ovary, and the inflate zone is possibly relative to dehiscence of the mature fruit with forming stress power due to drying constraction. The ovule is anatropus, and its placenta is with epidermal hair to develop into seed hair.
Key words: Salix babylonica; flower; fruit; anatomy; morphology; gland; seed hair
引言    1
1 材料与方法    2
1.1 供试材料    2
1.2 实验方法    2
1.2.1 药品的配制    2
1.2.2 实验材料采集与固定    3
1.2.3 脱水    3
1.2.4 透明    3
1.2.5 浸蜡与包埋    3
1.2.6 修块与固定    4
1.2.7 切片、粘片、展片与烘片    4
1.2.8脱蜡、番红—固绿对染至封片    4
1.2.9 观察    4
2 结果与分析    4
3 讨论    9
致谢    9
参考文献    9
垂柳(Salix babylonica),杨柳科(Salicaceae)落叶乔木。雌雄异株,树冠开展而分散,枝条细且垂下,无毛。线形芽先端急尖。叶缘有锯齿,披针形,叶面无毛或微被柔毛,正反颜色略有区别,正面较深,反面较浅,基部楔形。叶柄有短柔毛,托叶缘有齿芽,仅生长在萌发枝上。先花后叶或花叶同放。有雌雄花之分。春夏季开花结果,蒴果。适应性较强,根系发达但寿命较短,抗一定的有毒气体。[1]
对垂柳叶的研究:苏尧尧等人通过对各种植物体内成分的研究,发现垂柳叶中可分离出α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂,这种抑制剂主要可以明显降低餐后血糖,其抑制作用是非竞争性抑制型。通过对小鼠使用抑制剂粗品并观察其降血糖效果,确定垂柳叶抑制剂粗品对小鼠的降血糖效果相当于阿卡波糖。[2]垂柳叶中还含有一些具有抗血栓、抗动脉硬化和促进脂肪分解功能的活性成份[3-5]。这些发现为今后利用垂柳研究新药提供了有利的理论和实践依据。 垂柳花和果实形态组成特征:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_39806.html