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时间:2019-09-06 22:48来源:毕业论文

Morphological Characteristics of Flowers and Fruit of Koelreuteria bipinnata var. integrifoliola
Abstract: Koelreuteria bipinnata var. integrifoliola is of strong adaptability, and also greater ornamental and practical value. In recent years, K. bipinnata var. integrifoliola, as an indigenous species in North China, has been applied into urban greening construction more and more widely. This project aimed to add reference material for further biology researches such as pollination or reproduction of K.bipinnata var. integrifoliola. Through the field, the stereomicrope, and the microscope with paraffin section , the author further observed the morphological characteristics of the flowers and fruit. The results showed that the corolla of K. bipinnata var. integrifoliola is slightly oblique, generally with 4 petals, rarely five petals. The flower disc is without vascular bundles and with dense cytoplasm. There are sparse capitate trichomes on the surface of the ovary. The decurrent scale of the petal has dense cytoplasm. The bottom half of the ovary or young fruit include an axis and three rooms, and every room has two ovules which are longitudinally forked near the top of the axis of the bottom half of the ovary. In the upper half of the ovary, there is no axis and only one room. The flower disc, the capitate trichome, and the decurrent scale of the petal have gland characteristics, however, the secretory character or activity of these glands still need further investigation.      . 
Key words: Koelreuteria bipinnata var. integrifoliola; flower; fruit; morphological composition; gland
引言    1
1 材料与方法    2
1.1 供试材料    2
1.2 实验方法    2
1.2.1 药品配制    2
1.2.2 样品采集和固定    3
1.2.3 脱水    3
1.2.4 透明    3
1.2.5 浸蜡和包埋    3
1.2.6 修块和固定    3
1.2.7 切片、展片和烘片    4
1.2.8 染色和封固    4
2 结果与分析    4
2.1 花的形态特征    4
2.2 果实的形态特征    8
3 讨论    9
致谢    9
参考文献    10
黄山栾树(Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch. var. integrifoliola (Merr.) T. Chen.),又称全缘叶栾树、图扎拉、山膀胱 (南京)、巴拉子 (湖南) [1],是无患子科(Sapindaceae)栾树属(Koelreuteria)植物。在江苏的南面、安徽、浙江等较为常见,特别是在低山和平原地区生长较多。树形端正而优美,枝叶茂密而秀丽,花果艳丽,春季观紫红色嫩叶,夏季观满树金黄色的花朵,入秋观红果及变黄的叶色。是主要的行道树、庭荫树及园景树,还可以用作“四旁”绿化[2]。木材可供家具、建筑等用;花、根、叶可供药用;种子可榨油,供工业用[3],因此具有了园林观赏价值和多种经济价值的黄山栾成为近年来的热门树种。 黄山栾树花和果实形态组成特征:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_38891.html