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时间:2019-08-23 18:38来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文介绍了牵牛花的概况以及牵牛花种子在pH值为4.5到9.5,以0.5为梯度增加值,在不同温度的环境中萌发。把种子放在经过不同pH值溶液浸润的滤纸上进行萌发,然后分别在夏季(平均温度为28.6℃)和冬季(平均温度为13.2℃)进行实验并且观察其初期萌发状况和后期生长状况。记录其萌发数量,根长,芽长,不同时间生长的子叶数目等来进行比较,并且由这些数据来计算发芽率,发芽势,发芽指数,活力指数,通过比较和分析来探究牵牛花适宜生长的pH值以及温度。得出牵牛花在实验的一定pH值范围内,对两端的pH值的适应性较强,在pH值为5.0和pH值为5.5的环境中状况最佳,适宜在温度较高的环境下生长的结论。39016
毕业论文关键词: 牵牛花;pH值;萌发;温度
Morning glory flowers germinated at different pH values and different temperatures
Abstract: This article introduces the profile of the morning glory flowers. The seeds of morning glory are germinated at different temperatures and in the environment of different pH values. The range of the pH values is from 4.5 to 9.5.And the gradient value is added as 0.5.Seeds are germinated on the saturated filter papers which are infiltrated by the solution of different pH values. The experiment has been done in summer (the average temperature was 28.6℃) and winter (the average temperature was 13.2℃) .Observed the germination of seeds at the initial stage and the growth status at the later stage. Recorded the number of germination, root length, bud length, the number of cotyledon which grown at different times. From these data, calculated the germination percentages, germination potential, germination index, the vigor index. To explore the appropriate pH value and temperature for morning glory flowers to grow by comparison and analysis. Drew the following conclusion: in a certain range of pH values, morning glory flowers showed the strong adaptability of both ends of pH values. When these seeds were in the environment of pH 5.0 and pH 5.5, their condition is the best. And morning glory flowers are suitable for higher temperature to grow.
 Key Words: morning glory flowers, pH values, germination, temperature
目  录
1    前言    5
1.1关于牵牛花    5
1.2国内对于牵牛花的研究进展    5
1.3酸和碱环境对植物生长的影响    6
1.4不同因素对种子萌发的影响    6
1.4.1 pH值对种子萌发的影响    7
1.4.2 温度对种子萌发的影响    7
2    实验材料与方法    7
2.1实验材料    7
2.2实验方法    8
3    实验结果与分析    10
3.1在平均温度为28.6℃的环境下牵牛的发芽情况    10
3.1.1发芽率    10
3.1.2芽长    11
3.1.3子叶的生长情况    11
3.1.4发芽势和发芽指数和活力指数    12
3.2在平均温度为13.2℃的环境下牵牛的发芽情况    12
3.2.1发芽率    12
3.2.2芽长    13
3.2.3子叶的生长情况    14
3.2.4发芽势和发芽指数和活力指数    14
3.3实验结果比较分析    15
3.3.1同一温度不同pH值情况    15
3.3.2同一pH值不同温度情况    21
4    讨论与结论    25
4.1讨论    25
4.2结论    25
致   谢    26
参考文献    27
1    前言
1.1 关于牵牛花
圆叶牵牛[P. purpurea ( L. )Voigt]是属于旋花科(Convolvulaceae)牵牛属(Pharbitis Choisy),一年生,草本花卉植物,原产美洲地区。花型似喇叭,又被称之为朝颜和喇叭花,因为花色繁多并且花期较长,常常被用于垂直绿化和庭院配置。花期一般在5月至9月,果期是8-10月。叶子的基部呈心形,叶全缘,叶面有绒毛,叶柄与总花梗近似长度。种子呈三棱型卵状,表面有黑褐色的短绒毛。花腋生,伞形花序,花梗长1-1.5cm,萼片5深裂,花冠是漏斗状,雄蕊5,子房3室,蒴果近球形。 牵牛花种子在不同pH值及温度下的发芽研究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_38111.html