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时间:2018-12-16 17:43来源:毕业论文

云龙湖黄苇鳽产卵与孵化摘要:黄苇鳽是一种中型涉禽,在徐州属于夏候鸟。为了进一步补充它的繁殖生态行为,笔者于2014年5月-7月对它的产卵与孵化进行观察与记录。本文介绍了黄苇鳽的繁殖行为,对其卵的基本数据进行了相关性分析,着重介绍了窝卵数与均卵重、均卵体积的关系,并提出了相关的保护建议。研究表明:黄苇鳽6月2号开始产卵,6月22日产卵结束,产卵期达20天。6窝的产卵数3-5枚不等,孵化期为15-18d,孵化率48%。卵型指数在0.6441到0.8081之间,卵体积在5.576cm3到8.110cm3之间,均卵重为9.4g,平均卵长径为29.09mm,平均卵短径为21.05 mm。发现卵重与卵体积成正相关,卵体积与长径、短径成一定的相关性,均卵体积、卵重与窝卵数成一定的相关性。研究黄苇鳽卵的死亡原因,并提出如何降低影响黄苇鳽孵化率的内在和外在因素。31557
毕业论文关键词:黄苇鳽; 产卵; 孵化;孵化率;相关性;
The Spawning and Hatching of the Ixobrychus Sinensis on Yunlong Lake
SHI Chun-hua  Supervisor: FENG Zhaojun
(School of Life Sciences, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou,Jiangsu,221116,China)
Abstract:Ixobrychus sinensis is a medium-sized waders, belongs to the summer visitor in Xuzhou. In order to further supplement the breeding ecology of its activities, the author in 2014 May -July in which to observe and record the spawning and hatching.In this paper in addition to the reproductive behavior of Ixobrychus sinensis were introduced ,Also the basic data of the eggs were analyzed ,introduces the nest egg number and average egg weight,egg volume relationship and put forward suggestions to protect the Ixobrychus sinensis. The research shows that Ixobrychus sinensis started laying eggs on June 2nd and ended on 22nd ,the spawning period lasted for 20 days.Clutch size ranging from 3-5,the incubation period of 15-18 days, hatching rate is 48%. Egg shape index is between 0.6441 to 0.8081, egg volume is between 5.576 to 8.110.The average weight, length and breadth of the eggs were approximately 9.4 g, 29.09 mm and 21.05 mm.Found that egg weight and egg is closely relative to the volume, egg size and long diameter,short diameter with a certain correlation, average number of eggs, egg weight and volume nest egg into a certain correlation. Study of Ixobrychus sinensis eggs cause of death,and put forward how to reduce the influence of Ixobrychus sinensis hatchability of inner and external factors.                                  Key words:Ixobrychus sinensis, Lay eggs, Hatching,hatching rate, dependency
引言    1
1 研究地点和方法    1
1.1研究地点    1
1.2研究对象    2
1.3研究过程与数据处理    2
2结果与分析    2
2.1产卵    2
2.2孵化    6
2.3幼雏    8
3讨论与保护    8
3.1讨论    8
3.1.1相关性分析    8
3.1.2误差    9
3.2保护    9
3.2.1减少短期影响,加强爱鸟护鸟的宣传力度    9
3.2.2减少长期影响,提高生态环境    9
致谢    10
参考文献    10
   鸟类的孵化行为是鸟类繁殖生物学的重要一环,对其生活史的进化具有重要的研究作用。以前认为孵化在时间和能量分配上的相对能量消耗比较低一种行为,但是后来研究证明孵化期的能量消耗和育雏期是一样高[l] [l3]。鸟类的繁殖迁徙也是测量湿地生态环境的重要指标数据之一[2]。黄苇鳽(学名 Ixobrychus sinensis)是鹭科苇鳽属的一种水鸟,又名黄斑苇鳽。它广泛分布于我国, 在大部分地区为夏候鸟,在热带地区为留鸟。国外分布于朝鲜日本、菲律宾群岛及南洋诸岛等地区[3]。黄苇鳽雌雄同色,但雌鸟不及雄鸟鲜艳,其头顶为栗色,并且具有黑色纵纹,上半身显淡棕褐色,下半身的颏、喉部中央具黄白色纵纹,雄鸟额、头顶、枕部和冠羽铅黑色,微杂以灰白色纵纹,头侧、后颈和颈侧棕黄白色[4]。大多数黄苇鳽都爱在平原,和低山丘陵地带富有水边植物的开阔水域中筑巢。尤其喜欢在既有开阔明水面又有大片芦苇和蒲草等挺水植物的中的水域上栖息[4]。捕食主要以小鱼、虾、蛙、水生昆虫等动物性食物为主,所以多在灌木丛或小树丛边的水田、沼泽及其附近的草丛与灌木丛中栖息和活动。本文通过对生活在徐州的黄苇鳽进行观察与研究,为其繁殖提供相关参考,以便更好的保护和利用黄苇鳽。 云龙湖黄苇鳽产卵与孵化:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_27759.html